3 more days and I will be leaving my home, Rourkela, to Kolkata and on 16 April I will be taking my first flight to Malaysia (KL) in the evening from Kolkata airport and 17 April back to Singapore from Malaysia in the morning.
“Suraj, I told you 2 months is too long”
“Come on, 2 months is short for me, I wish I could stay for 2 years”
“Why did you come to Rourkela?, it’s the poorest city in Orissa.’
“The best place to hang out is with your friends around you, I’ve so many brothers here, and what to say about coming just to Rourkela”
It’s been nearly two months since I came here to Rourkela, and time do flies like no body’s business here. Went to the Mokshaa’s lounge yesterday with Pitoshe sumi babu, did not plan it but just happen to be there. And we met quite a number of familiar faces and so we went drinking together.
Don’t know since when, I’m in love with this drinking session, I love the quiet and dark environment, I love the accompany of all my brothers, I love the food, I love the place and I love to be drunk.
I can control myself in Drinking, and I’m not just a drunker, I’m a good drunker. I don’t goes around beating anyone, or sad to say going around apologizing. I don’t do that, but one thing I felt when I was drunk here is that, I’m able to think of nothing and my emotion just let loose within seconds.
And I actually love this particular moment.
Met with Rajesh Sir two days ago and it’s really nice to see close familiar face in this city, someone that comes from Singapore. Heard from him that India OIP 2011 has been confirmed and it will be carrying on in September. Quite a number of time suggested me to come back with the juniors, I wish I could and hope I can.
Pito: “Don’t you miss home?”
Suraj: “This is home, I remember on that first day I step back to Rourkela, I said: It feels good to be back home.”
Pito: “Stepping out of NITRKL, everything is different right?”
Suraj: “No different, it’s still India.”
This was our small conversation when we was walking to the jerman club to take my spec.
“So babu, how do u feel when you are a Indian and people look at you differently, I mean I’m a Indian in a Chinese body, but you are a Indian in a Indian body but the look from people are the same, how do you feel?”
“Babu, we should open this question up for discussion.”
Both of us laughed.
“I think we should bring Toketo into the discussion.”
“Yup, we should.”
These two months of staying in Rourkela, I swear it’s the most memorable moment in my life. No matter to regards on getting fever and getting saline or visiting IGH for my swollen eye or cooking in Homi bhabha or Ms Swaminathan, all this, I could never experience in Singapore, and the world cup fever, which awesomely brought all Indians and me together.
Today, I went to the station with three of my friends to book my ticket, my train ticket. Reached there around 6 plus in the evening, and we started to queue for the ticket, currently status of my train ticket: Waiting List – 9. Went to shop for some gift for my brother today, didn’t know what to get for him, just roaming like a no direction bird on the street and I guess some of my friend was frustrated with it, guys are like this, they are not meticulous like girls, so what do you expect?
Went into Indera Plaza, searching for the one nice shirt for my brother, we was searching high and low, and I saw this shirt in the Levis’ store, so I thought it will look good on my brother, so I called Pitoshe babu to ask for ‘S’ size for me, he speak in Hindi to the sale man. And guess what, the sale man was shocked.
Salesman: “You speak Hindi?”
Babu: “Yes.”
Guess Two chinka in a store confused the sales person.
Like what Babu has said: “People see us differently, they just assume that Indian are all black and dark and doesn’t look like Chinese, and anything that look like Chinese are all from Nepal.” This refers to those low intellect Indians.
Ashesh: “I think you have more NITRKL friend than me.”
Suraj: “hahaha, yea, I think so too.”
Waiter: “Good Evening sir” (Only to me)
Mukul: “We are here for 3 years, never once the waiter remember us, you are here for 2
months, the waiter, the supervisor remember you.”
Seshadri: “Regular?”
Suraj: “Yup.”
Mukul to waiter: “So now we are with him, will you remember us?”
Laughter broke out among us.
2 Hours later, we went to Mokshaa for a drink
Waiter: “Hi sir, kingfisher strong?”
Suraj: “haha, not today, get me Carlsberg.”
Mukul came back to seat
Suraj: “This waiter remember me too.”
Mukul: “Because you are a Chinese, and your English sucks!”
Suraj: “Madarchod! Argh!?!”
We all will miss you Gary !! Come back soon, May be in OIP 2011. Enjoy your life back in singapore. Happy journey !! BTW, have you ever seen any of us studying anytime during your 2 month's stay ?
:D :D
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