The photo above is a love tree, why i call it a love tree? There's a story behind it.
About 20 years ago, there was a man named Raj. He stay in the village called Raurkela. He stayed with his parents and he is the one and only child in the family. His family dote on him alot, even though of that, he wasn't a spoil brat, he was a sensible kid.
At the age of 5 he already knows how to help his maa to clean the house, he doesn't throw things around the house, he will sit infront of the books his dad bought him and read it silently and quietly.
Everyone call him a god's child.
Like any other kid in India, Raj got into a engineering college, majoring in Computer Science. He write codes, programs, designs and everything and he was smart. And not forgetting to mention that he jumped two grade to enter this college. Even though he was the youngest among all, but people look up to him, because he can solve question that Sir can't solve within a day.
People called him god's child.
One day, as he walked pass the bookshop he saw someone, someone he wouldn't just take one look. She was named: Pragya
He stop and look ,but he know he can't simple just stare at someone, he know it's rude to stare. So when she turn and walk out of the bookshop, their eyes met. His heart skipped a beat, so does her heart.
Both of them turn away and acted nothing just happen.
Raj got to know from her junior that her name is called Pragya.
He started to search her facebook account online but to no avail. Until the third day, he found her, she was there, right infront of his screen, Pragya, Majoring in Computer Science.
Struggling for 2 hours, and the click 'Add as friend' was click.
Raj: Hey, what did u do?
Sat (Raj's Rommie): I have see you struggling for the past two hours, to end your suffering, i simply clicked the 'add as friend' button
Raj: Oh man
Within next 5 mins, a notification was sent to Raj: Pragya just accepted your friend request.
Raj falls off his chair.
Very quickly, Raj and Pragya became close mate, they are seen everywhere but they denied their relationship. But they know in their heart, they love each other.
Pyar was there, grow deep in their heart.
1 weeks past, 2 weeks past, from just going together to study, now they have their 3 meals together. From just friend, they became close friend, best friend and now more than friend.
But both of them still never propose to one another.
One night, Pragya was walking towards the canteen, she saw Raj was standing not far from her distance, and as she walks nearer, she saw Raj talking to a girl and they was laughing happily. The girl was touching Raj intimately.
Pragya was jealous, she know how she felt about him.
Pragya walked past him without saying hello to him. Raj called out to her, but Pragya increase her speed and totally ignore him. Raj felt something is wrong, so he went up to her and pull her.
Pragya: Kya? Don't pull my hand
Raj: What's wrong with you? I call out to you
Pragya: Nothing.
Raj: You ignore me, that's something.
Pragya: I did not, you was busy talking to a girl
Raj: She's my junior.
Pragya: So?
Raj: We are just talking.
Pragya: It's none of my business
Raj: Come on, you are jealous
Pragya: I'm not.
Raj: Then why are you making yourself angry and look at your face, it's all red
Pragya: Shut up Raj, you are always think that you are right? So tell me what's next?
Raj: You know I love you Pragya
Pragya: I don't believe you, unless you make that tree over that bloom with Magenta Flower, then i believe you
Raj: Come on Pragya, you know that tree bloom with white flower
Pragya: It's your problem now
Pragya walk off leaving Raj on the street all alone.
For the past weeks, Raj and Pragya was not seen together anymore. Everyone has been talking about the two of them. But no one really know what happen.
Everyday, people will see Raj sit below that big tree talking to himself. At first people thought he's crazy but realise he's actually talking to the tree. No matter it's sunny, or rainy, Raj will sit below that tree talking it.
Raj: You know how much I love her don't you?
Raj: Can you prove to her?
Raj: She said she want to see you bloom with Magenta Color flower
Raj: How am i going to do that?
Raj: How am i?
Raj: Who am i?
Pragya heard about Raj sitting under the tree everyday talking, she doesn't know why he does that, but she is worried about his health.
One day, Raj was having high fever, but still he went out to talk to the tree, it was 10 Degree at that time and it's raining heavily. Sitting under the tree, Raj was talking.
Raj: I have been talking to you for a month now.
Raj: Even though you never reply me, but i know you understand what i mean
Raj: Before I die today, please, show my love to her.
Raj was feeling weak, he know he aren't going to make it through with his high fever outburst and the weather now.
Raj: Her name is: P...R..A..G.....Y..A
After Raj said the last letter, he pass out under the tree, he fainted under the tree.
Pragya was coming back from College to Hostel and saw a familar figure lying under the tree.
Pragya: Who will sleep under the tree in such cold and wet weather?
She walk nearer and nearer to the tree, he saw Raj lying there without any sign of movement. She ran towards him, and shouted: R...A...J...
She hold him up on her arms and shouted: Someone, help him, someone please.
Pragya: Raj, please, stay awake.
Raj: P..ragya, you are here, you
Pragya: I know..Hurrr... I know..Please, stay with me.
Raj: ... ....
Someone from a far heard Pragya's scream, and they came over to help.
Stranger: Come on, I will carry him to my car and send him to the hospital, fast.
Pragya: O..ok..
Stranger together with Pragya sent Raj to the hospital.
Raj was in a critical state when he was send into the hospital, the doctor was trying their best to save him. As his fever is way too high, so they prepared a tub of ice cube and put Raj into the tub to cool him down.
Raj's heart stopped 2 times, but was resurrected by the doctor.
Raj has been shift to the Intensive Care unit (ICU), he's in critical situation and he is in a coma. Everything will depends on him now.
Pragya: Raj.. Are you listening to me? I don't want the flower any more, do you hear me? I just want you. I'm sorry for asking that much, i really love you and i don't want to lose you. If you are listening to me now, please, wake up, hang in there, you got to wake up and marry me.
1 days has pass,2 days has pass but there's still no consciousness of Raj. Day after days and Pragya has been going to the hospital almost everyday to take care of Raj.
She's been praying almost every day that miracle will happen, but to no avail.
One day, she walked past the tree, the big big tree that she told Raj that if the flower bloom to Magenta Color, she will accept him, but it's impossible but Raj still tried. And it was her that he becomes like that.
She walked to the tree, and under that tree, she gently touch the bark of the tree. She speaks.
Pragya: I know it's my fault, i shouldn't have make such awful request, if you hear me, help me, I love him, I won't want him to die, save him.
A glow of light shone out of the bark, Wind blows towards her, stronger and stronger, and when the wind stops, pragya couldn't believe what she saw. The whole tree was bloomed with Flowers that are Magenta in color. Her tears rolled down her cheeks, how can she not trust him. He loves her so much.
Ring Ring*
Pragya's phone rang.
Caller:Hi, is this pragya?
Pragya: Haan, I am Pragya
Caller: I'm doctor Ashesh caling from Rourkela Hospital, Raj is awake.
Pragya: You are not kidding? for real?
Caller: Yes, please come now, he wants to speak to you.
Pragya: Ok, i'm coming now.
Pragya wipe the tears off her face, she touch the tree gently and in her heart she has already said 'Dhanyavaad'
In the hospital
Raj: Pragya..
Raj tries to gets up
Pragya: Hey, don't, you just recover, please, just lye down. I'm here.
Raj: Pragya, you are still angry with me? Please don't be, i really love you, please. Listen to me. She's just my junior thik hai? I love only you.
Pragya: I know. I know you love only me.
Raj: How do you know?
Pragya: Because the flower has bloom into Magenta Color.
Raj: Really? How?
Pragya: I don't know Raj, i guess the tree has listen to you.
Raj: Bring me there.
Pragya: But you just recover!
Raj: Bring me there please.
Pragya: thik hai.
Pragya hold Raj onto the wheel chair and push him to the tree.
Raj couldn't believe his own eyes, the tree that has been blooming white flower all along, started to bloom in magenta color.
Raj: It's our love Pragya, it touches even the tree.
Pragya: Yes raj, so, will you marry me?
Raj: How can a girl propose?
Pragya: I don't care, will you?
Raj: Yes, i will.
Pragya kiss Raj on the forehead and both of them look at the tree from afar, when the wind gently kisses both their cheeks.
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