The City Alive! Singapore's Biggest Street Dance Party, in conjuction with Chingay 2009, will be held on Saturday 31 Jan 2009 from 9.30pm to 3.00am along St Andrew's Road With the road Closures along City Hall to Raffles Avenue, traffic and buses will be diverted.
I'm invited by Sprg (Strategic Public Relations Group) to the Press Conference for City Alive! at St james Power station on 15 Jan 2009. It's my First time there, because i don't like to Clubs but Pubs. But the Venue was AWESOME, what can i say, romantic spotlights, tiger beers,comfortable seats what do i still expect? i didn't expect DJ Koflow to spin there!!
Press conference starts at 1430pm, once i reached i started to mingle ard, first with Karl (Chingay blogger) and fadilah(PR Executive from SPRG), we chit chatted and it's good to see familiar faces there. She even offer to take the drinks for us of course we chose Tiger Beer.
For those who don't drink, you guys should at least know of the name 'Tiger beer' or you may have seen this advertisement on the television:
or even this favorite all time Jessica Alba tiger beer commercial:Tiger beer is launched in 1932, Tiger is Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd's flagship brand. They are the beverages sponsor for CITY ALIVE!
Tiger is brewed using only the finest natural ingredients like malted barley from Australia and Europe, hops from Germany and a unique strain of yeast specially cultured in Holland. Containing 5% alcohol, this smooth, medium bitter beer, coupled with a well balanced sweetness of malt.
Though Tiger Beer contained only 5% alcohol, Party-goers of the City Alive! Singapore's Biggest Street dance Party, in conjunction with Chingay'09 are advised not to drive if they consume alcohol.
At this Media Soiree on City Alive! PAYM will be announcing the Spectacular and stellar musical highlights and the new addition at the party of course at the same time we get to enjoy the limited addition 'Tiger Beer'.
DJ Sassy Pandez is an international name and plays at high profile parties all over the world. She plays host to parties in New York, Houston, Canada, Dubai, Bahrain, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Greece, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Ibiza, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, South Africa, Ukraine, Indonesia, Ireland, and all over the UK.
Highlights include playing at the Maxim Music Issue party in New York (alongside Joan Jett) and appearing on Shade45 radio, Maxim parties at Pacha in London, MTV Grind in Singapore, Formula One Grand Prix Fashion TV party in Bahrain, Diet Coke Guinness World Record event etc.
Japan’s finest female DJ.
Tough, professional, passionate and sexy, DJ Sarasa knows no boundaries. An incredible performer, pleasant personality and disciple of the arts, she travels the globe with something to say, has incredible stage presence and tends to spread positivity with a golden smile to die for! Not only that, DJ Sarasa also excels as a marketing consultant, promoter, writer, artist interpreter and a model.
DJ Sarasa has supported some of Hip Hop’s finest on their Japan and Canadian tours, artists including: The Pharcyde, Gangstarr, Jungle Brothers, Kenny Dope, The Roots and Rhianna to name a few.
DJ KoFlow maintained his hard work and dedication to DJing, and continued to win numourous awards. He was given honorable mention for Juice Magazine Best New DJ 2003, named Best Musician at the Nike StreetStyle Awards in 2004, Honarable Mention for Juice Magazine Best Independent DJ 2004 and won the Heineken Thirst Singapore 2005. A influential force in his craft, his uniquely versatile and all rounded performance style had seen him playing opening acts for international artists such as Missy Elliot, Jazzy Jeff, Roonie G., DJ ShortKut, DJ Jred, The Herbaliser, MC Jin, Dynamo Production and The Black Eyed Peas.
He was also featured in numerous festivals such as, MTV Pattaya music festival, Pop village, Liberation, Get the funk out, and also our national street parade, Changay. This party rocker is constantly in high demand in South East Asia, he has travelled to Myanmar, Taiwan, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Australia, Kuala Lumpur, London, Indonesia and Bangkok to play at prestigious clubs and events.
Funkamania is an annual funk/hip-hop dance competition and a flagship special project organized by the NUS Students' Cultural Activities Club (NUS CAC). One of the most celebrated events on the NUS calendar, Funkamania has established itself as a renowned and prestigious dance competition.
Its competitive and high standards have made it highly recognized in the Singapore tertiary dance scene. Contestants of this highly acclaimed and popular dance competition have dazzled the tertiary community with their exquisite and slick dance moves, with some going on to further establish themselves in the local dance scene.
Previous Funkamania Finals have been showcased in locations such as Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza (Funkamania XII) and *scape Youth Park (Funkamania XIII). This year, for the first time ever, together with presenter, People’s Association Youth Movement (PAYM), the battle for dance supremacy meets City Alive!, Singapore’s Biggest Street Dance Party. Spectators will be not only be entertained by Funkamania finalists, but also world-class acts such as DJ Sassy Pandez from United Kingdom who has been voted Maxim’s Magazine “World Sexiest DJ”, DJ Sarasa aka Silverboombox, Japan’s finest female DJ and break dancer as well as local DJ KoFlow!
Hip hop (freestyle), street jazz
Dance Training/Background:
The Edge Performing Arts Center, Los Angeles
Millennium Dance Studio, United States
Broadway Dance Centre, New York
Once a full-time dancer who performed on-stage with the likes of Edison Chen, Coco Lee and Elva Hsiao, Yiu is now a full-time instructor and choreographer for numerous artists and institutes of higher learning#, handling their training programmes and choreography.
Hip hop (freestyle), pop jazz
Dance Training/Background:
Broadway Dance Centre, New York
As a full-time dancer-cum-instructor, Bo not only trains and choreographs for numerous high schools and tertiary institutions, he also counts Hsiao Zheng Nan, TWINS, Chen Hwa, JUNO, Edison Chen , Anita Mui, Elva Hsiao, Cecilia Cheung, Joey Yung, Cookies as only a handful of artists whose performances he has taken part in.
City Alive! is a great platform to create an opportunity for youths to organise a national event for fellow Singaporeans and our friends overseas to come together and bond under the common love for great music. As the biggest street party of the nation, it also aims to inject excitement to the nightlife of Singapore enhancing its status as a one stop party destinations.
Most importantly you have to be 18 years old and above.
How do you get the tickets?
Minimum age of entry at 18 years, photo ID required to gain entry.
Ticketing Information
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