Okay, i catch the movie 'Twilight' yesterday.. don ask me how.. i just went to Cathay cinema to watch it with Joycelyn and anthony.. it's a sneak preview i presume..
The movie was AWESOME.. but i think if they don't cut away lots of detail it will be better..however, movies are like this.. i think if they don't cut away the details, movies will be like 3 hrs? or 4 even?
I recommend people to watch this movie however, if you wan to catch this movie, pls pls pls read the book first.. then you will know who are the characters, which place are they in, where they cut the movie..
I was anticipating the character, especially Dr. Cullens.. hahas.. cos in the book, it was told that he was very handsome and young and that he don even look like he has 5 children, btw the children are not his anyway.. hahas.. you will know if you read the book..
and it came out, i fall in love with him la.. he so good looking.. lol..
The Edward was not what i expecting.. i think Mike in the movie is better looking than Edward.. i think so because Edward look weird in there.. his thick eye brown, long face, thick mouth.. doesn't suit the character.. but who cares.. he is in the movie anyway..
Talking abt Twilight.. i rmb someone once say to her friend that this book is crap.. oh i rmb who.. but secret.. hahas.. she say this story is crap.. what edward look at her sleep every night.. and this bella keep met with 'accident'.. hmm.. and later she apologies saying she has no anti-twilight intention..
To me, it's just a story gal.. and if bella don met with dangers.. where they be part 2,3,4? and if you think you can write better? then i wait for your book alright? hahas..
'Mr Men Series Hoody'
11 more days to my birthday.. i brought myself an advanced gift.. and 'tadah' it's a Mr men series Hoody from Bossini, which i was eyeing for like 3 weeks? my gosh.. finally..hehe..
Previous, you have to buy two to get discount..but now one hoody is $41.30 and if you pay with Mastercard you will get additional 5% disc..so total i pay for this hoody is $39.20.. hehe* i love it man.. though my mum say it's so thick..but i just don think it is la.. it's just the outer is thick.. i tried it on just now.. and i just brought it telling my mum i will pay her back in time when my pay is out..
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