Today.. woke up real late..cos i slept at 4pm last night.. was online..helping one of my friend make her blog.. and chatting away with friends and cam too..
Yup..woke up ard 12pm.. Nose was stuck.. can't get the smell.. hais.. hate flu.. mum cooked fried rice in the morning.. ate that as my lunch and went out tgt with her.. she goes to work.. i go to the library..carrying so many books.. cos previously i borrowed some books to do research..and i brought back to the library to do my HR project..and also to return them..
Reach the library ard 2pm.. found a table at level 2..then i start to do my stuff.. from 2-7pm.. i swear i was sitting at the table without even visiting the loo.. what i did was type type type.. change change change..Edit edit edit..
Finally ard 7 plus i finish my content page and my reprt..
Transfer to my thumbdrive and proceed to Zap it to print my stuff.. Zap it got long queue even use the com also must i left my phone number there, so if my turn liao they will call me. I went to popular to get one file for my project. I need to print 4 report, 3 for SHRI and 1 for the school..and the file is for the school one..
Use the com and Zap it to print.. total is $19.00 include of binding,printing and usage of com to print.
File was $2 and CD-R one was $1.50 i brought 2..
Total $24.. $8 each..
Because i spend all my money on the proj.. i got no more money left to have my dinner.. and because of the long stay in the lib.. i became sick..
Flu package.. as eileen said.
Damn it, i hate falling sick..
Anyway.. N result is out today.. and one of my Adik got 7 he manage to get to Sec 5.. i was telling him yst night, no worries, you sure can make it one. You have to worry abt your O level..that's all..
He abit calm down after i told him..hmm..yup..
Ok.. gtg le..tire+sick=no energy
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