NHG DIAGNOSTIC.. went for my ultrasound scan today.. they called me yst..say something of bringing my scan forward.. cos i was actually send to Yishun Polyclinic for my scan..but they say they are available..so i say yes to them..
appointment was 9.30am.. reached there ard 9.20am.. i got my turn at 9.40am.. the shop looks clean..and Zen.. hahas..
i paid first..then proceed to sit on the sofa and waited for my scan.. waited till 9.40am i was called by the radiographer in and do my ultrasound scan.. what they did to me? hmm.. if you guys watch television.. you guys will see those pregnant woman going to ultrasound scan to see their baby inside their womb.. that's what the radiographer did to me.. scanning my liver and stuff...
left the clinic at 10.05am..but it's impossible to rush back to school..
something shock me back to my truth..
i gave my teacher the service chit two days ago..regarding my absent of school.. the service cht wrote 9-12pm..and my class end at 2pm..so my teacher say i suppose to come back to school for the other lesson.. i did not reason with her..cos my mind somehow got stuck and don works.. now i come to think of it.. i couldn't make it.. ok..if i rush home and rush to school it will be like 1.30pm on that day.. my teacher already release them at 1pm..so what for?
my teacher mark me absent for the last two lesson..come to think of it.. it's kind of unfair.. so i msg her today to reason with her..she say she will check.. hmm.. hope she can be more reasonable.. it's impossible to rush back in time..come on..
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