Yst i went to polyclinic for my ultrasound report.. and it came out that i don have HepB..so yeah.. :)
but they took my blood again :( cos for normal liver reading is between 10-70 but mine is 162.. so ya.. hmm.. waited an hour for the registration.. another hour for the consultation of doctor.. one and a half hour for the blood test registration and half an hour for the blood test..and half an hour to see the doctor.. it's like going to school 8-1pm.. hmm..
after seeing all the different department i wnet to make my payment and there i go home..
reach home ard 1 plus.. bath..prepare to go malaysia.. to shop..
brought 3 pairs of socks from Inbase at citysquare..cos i got no more socks..all spoil..hmm..got hole.. :P
then went to Sentosa for shop of discs.. as usual.. i brought camp rock and anothe hong kong show..which is going to play on channel U, 7pm.. the ten brothers.. not bad hahas.. then went to had dinner at the hawer..which is our old place.. quite cheap and worth..food are fresh.. after that went to citysquare again..cos mum wanted to go to the toilet..and i went to this shop called 'Radioactive' to shop.. i brought a bermuda at rm$77.90 which i think quite satisfied..i wanted to get the other design..but the zip kind of spoil..and they only have two pair of that design and that was the last piece so i have to change to another design.. the shop not bad.. and only Malaysia,Thailand,Usa and japan has that shop.. the website is http://www.radioactive.com.my/ can go visit and buy online.. :P
i was thinking this is a business opportunity.. i can get their franchise in singapore and set up the business here..since i got the interest in you know fashion.. and the design is what i like.. and i think most teenage will like..and i think my friend Fais will like those design.. :) let me think first how i want to go about..
Saw this at malaysia custom..and this shows two meaning..
1) Malaysia's cigarette is very cheap and everyone is smoking like a packet a day.. which i think seriously the cigarette is really cheap there.. 1 packet of singapore cigarette you go to malaysia can buy 3 packets or even 4 packets..
2)Malaysia ppl don anyhow throw cigarette..you know this type of full cigarette bin won't found in singapore.. because in singapore alot of ppl are throwing the cigarette butt either in the drain or on the floor.. even just drop it into the grass.. so ya.. but when i smoke i don throw it on the floor.. i will just hope it till i find a bin.. or i throw it in a cup first.. hmm..
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