This is the blue black that i got after the blood test at the Ns Check Up.. Hmm.. abit pain.. but the doc that i went to consult to day told me it will be gone in two weeks time.. hmm..
went to Poly clinic today for a follow up.. was informed earlier on by the hospital that i will need to go to the nearest polyclinic for my follow up two weeks after discharged.. so reach there ard 9 plus..
took my reg number..then wait wait wait.. waited till ard 10.03am i finish my reg.. ahead is waiting again..
2310.. i started to wait to consult the doc from 10.03am-12.00pm.. then the doctor called me to go to the lab for blood test..
the blood test need to wait again.. then after the blood test i must go back to wait for the doc to call my number again.. then they send me to Room 26 to wait for my refferal letter to see a doc at TTSH for my arms.. cos i need to get a memo for the Ns ppl..
so i reached home ard 1 plus..
sian.. tired+Sleep.. going to catch House Bunny later with Cousin and Tania.. hmm.. hope the movie goes well..cos it's like so nice.. when i saw the trailer in the cinema..
oh ya.. Jalan Raya on either 6 or 7oct.. hmm.. need to prepare my clothes le..
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