Jul 2, 2008

Attachment @ Raffles Hospital

as usual went to work in the Morning.. 8.30am.. the same thing..wake up @ 6.30am..prepare, wash up, dress up etc. 7am i leave my house.. took the bus.. 7.15am reach Causeway..took the train..reach Raffles Hospital at 8am..buy Break fast..eat in the Office.. then start work..

Though of that..but i enjoy the work here..serious.. the colleagues here are all so good to us..and fun too... of course not forgetting all the laughters here..

At first before i came to work..i was thinking..will it be a difficult job? will there be difficult stuff to do? hmm.. not so ya...afterall it's enjoyable..

Didn't know why the two girls that was attached to Human Resource DEPT at Raffles Hospital run away from the attachment? hmm.. Weird ya.. but who cares.. it's their LOSS..

8.30am-6.15pm.. that's my working hour..An hour break..

Next Saturday.. which is 12 July, the Manager ask me and Paul whether we want to help out in the Annual Staff Meeting which is at Singapore Poly, Convention Centre.. there are estimated 680 Participants.. Of course the pay is different from the usual IAP'S PAY...but impt is i and Paul have to cut our Hair first.. it's not good afterall in the Big Event our Hair are not so Formal Presentable..

The Manager also ask whether we would like to extend for another one Week for this Job.. and ya..this is not counted as a IAP [INDUSTRY ATTACHMENT PROGRAM] as we only work for two weeks.. so ya.. donno? maybe we are useful afterall..so they wanted to extend us.. hehe*

This Coming Sunday is the event Milk Run.. just Read Siti's Blog.. she is not looking Forward to it.. but i'm looking forward to it.. cause i'm selling the Drinks.. maybe if i'm in the CEO Games..i would not look forward to it.. but anyway..i will enjoy.. ;)

This Coming Monday.. School reopens.. if you guys have went to the ite website and go to your Ite Portal you will find out the dates of the Final Exam.. which is as Follow..

Office Admin [10 Sep 2008] : 0830am-1030am
Event Management [08 Sep 2008] : 1100am-1230pm

and also have to rush my projects.. Thinking Skill Project..my gosh.. date due : two weeks after school reopens which is on 21 July 2008..thanks huh.. so rush man.. Group Leader Ignatius.. can do something abt it?

Yst went to Meet my cousin, went to Starbucks for dinner.. i ate a banana Muffin and drank a cup of Ice Signature Chocolate.. oh my goodness.. it's totally not nice.. spend $7 but in the end i was forcing myself to drink.. i didn't make any complain..but seriously..it's not nice.. the whole drink was full of powder.. maybe that's the signature..but i don like it.. and the drink was bitterish.. too bad.. cos this is the only drink with Chocolate.. but the Muffin was Nice..

Nth much in Particular.. just feeling Lonely..and P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C isn't it?

Above Content's Picture will upload when i get back home.. Now working :P


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