Jul 3, 2008

Apologies/Thank you

Hmm..i wanna to post this post since Yst..but time doesn't allow me.. so ya.. i wanna talk abt something called Sorry..

Sorry this words tend to come out too often or even never come out from one anothers mouth..

For Example a person can apologies for small matter.. but too much Sorry may cause Disturbance.. but i think it's kind to actually apologies.. but it's actually worse not to apologies..

I was in the bus yst..on my way home..the bus was so squeezy and i don even have the space to lean or whatever..just holding on to the pole..just enough space to fling left and right..and the speace to stand..it's a bus.. so sometimes when it changes the direction..i will tend to lose balance..so i lose my balance and lean to the back..and my back was not any pole or what.. someone was standing right behind me..i wanted to apologies for banging on him.. but what he do next.. makes me wanna swear at him.. but i didn't.. he use his back and push me forward..and i almost fall forward.. in my heart i was like *%$#@ and i stare at him.. he don dare to look at me..but when he look at me.. i glare at him.. like nobody's business.. i mean if i see someone fall i will not do this to him.. will hold him eventually..

Yst i went to Shopping.. i just find out that i really can't do much.. when i explain below you will understand.. after finish my buying.. i brought two ties and a formal clothes..which cost me $71.00 then i walk off.. to the toilet..on the way to the toilet..i walk pass a boutique shop..i saw three malay girls was talking and the next minute i heard a 'bang' sound..it's like someone banging his/her head at the wall..it's really loud..and when i turn i saw this girl lying on the floor..the next min i know she fainted.. her eyes was looking at me.. the eye sight can't see me..cos her mind is not functioning it has shut down..but those eyes were so scary.. alot of ppl was ard her..trying to help her.. i didn't offer my help.. my phone was totally flat..i can't call a ambulance.. that's why i say i was not much help there.. but hope she is alright..SORRY..i didn't help you up..

Today i took the train..as usual..the train start to cramp when it reaches sembawang.. A middle age [for my colleague sake i will say a mature lady] hahas.. went up the train.. he was forcing her way thru the poles.. and her bag hit me real hard.. and what she do.. never even apologies..but just act as nothing happen.. i was like *&^%$# again..hahas.. but seriously i did not really swear..my mind was thinking what should i write in my blog.. and so i decided to write this..

Again..the third time.. this happen when i went to work..i took the lift up to my work place.. there was two man waiting for the lift too..but when i walk into the lift they never walk in..but was standing on the other side talking..so i decided to took the lift up.. the lift open again.. but they never walk in.. i stretch my head out initiate.. you know what? if i rmb what Miss Ema said.. i don have to hold for them.. she ask us..how many time you hold a lift and ppl say thank you to you? none.. serious.. so this happen to me? they never even thank me..still take their own sweet time in.. i was like thanks huh!! saying that in my heart to myself..

Ppl changes alot..especially ppl staying in singapore.. i mean where all the basic manner? Everyone forgotten? or just never learn? hmm... Wake up ppl..


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