Nov 26, 2013


Been discharge from the hospital for two days already, and I feel that my life is slowly coming back to me. Having that high fever through the night is really killing me especially to a stage where temperature reaches 40.6 degree Celsius.

I have been diagnosed with Tonsillitis.

What is Tonsillitis? Someone can ask me that, so this prove that this medical term is not well verse.
Tonsillitis (/ËŒtÉ’nsəˈlaɪtɪs/ ton-sÉ™-leye-tis) is inflammation of the tonsils most commonly caused by viral or bacterial infection. Symptoms may include sore throat and fever. When caused by a bacterium belonging to the group A streptococcus, it is typically referred to as strep throat. The overwhelming majority of people recover completely, with or without medication. In 40%, symptoms will resolve in three days, and within one week in 85% of people, regardless of whether streptococcal infection is present or not.
I still remember visiting one of the Acute emergency near my place and they just gave me medication and ask me to go back and rest, not even have the slightest intention to admit me into the hospital.

Going back home, getting back the same symptoms again and again, it's just killing me slowly right inside.

And when my brother called the hospital asking them what to do when my temperature is 40.6 degree Celsius, the doctor said that it's good to be hot, because the hotness kills the germs. I mean what kind of explanation is that?

Having no confident with this hospital, I decided to visit another hospital further away from my place, someone near the mid area of singapore.

Waiting for 2 hours, before I'm officially admitted to the hospital.

The swollen Tonsil has make my life difficult in all way. I have difficulty part taking my food, I cant swallow it smoothly, I cannot drink water like I usually do, I cannot sleep in peace.

Given antibiotic drip, anti inflammatory tonsil drip, potassium chloride, through out the night and stay in the hospital. Finally, my throat is getting better, I'm able to eat solid food, drink water normally without feeling the pain in my throat. And fever has also subsided.

This is the one time I wouldn't want to experience it all over again!

Jan 19, 2013

Army life

It's been a really long time since I updated my blog. I still remember the last thing I talked about was: 'what's going to happen in my life'. And I went missing after.

It's been a hectic journey, since I've joined the army.

9 weeks of basic military training in Tekong Island wasn't easy, okay, maybe my training wasn't that tough compare to some of my friends, but to me, is kind of up to hitting my border limit.

I'm not finding excuse that because i have status in hand ( exempted upper limb activities) so I'm free and easy. I did went through all my trainings.

So first 2 weeks in BMT was adaptable, and did I mention It's confinement week? Which means I'm not allow to go home for 2 weeks and after which I'm able to go back home during weekends. Which explains why I have no time to update on my journey in life.

Partial reason: Lazy to spend my time sitting down to write post in my blog

Partial reason: I lost my iPhone in india which eventually stops me from posting photos and resulting in loss of my blog.

So I have my 9 weeks training in Tekong Island and finally on 4 jan 2013, I graduated in Sembawang camp. I'm proud of myself, really, being able to complete my training, that special moment when your parents wear your beret for you, and tells you good job. That's the best feeling in the world.

And now, I'm posted to sembawang camp as a private, vocation: Driver, in another word I have to learn how to drive.

Yes! Drive! To some of you guys, you may think that: "come on yaar, driving is easy job man" but have you ever think about driving a tunnel with people around your back? Or reversing the tunnel having blind spot?

All this are consideration I have taken in.

So 1 year 10 months of my army life will be spent as a driver.

Then what will I do after?

Work or study or back in india? I'm still in the verge of planning.

Oct 23, 2012

What will happen now in my life?

I always said time is flying fast, how fast did it really fly? Have you ever wondered why and how? Who set the rules of time, how did they end up clockwise?

 This is the 3rd year I have been to India, 5th time to be exact. Three years can happen a lot of things, Air india express no longer fly directly from Singapore to Kolkata, so is Air India, night train that was banned 1 year ago has started operating, and what’s worst? Aviation minister just announce that Kingfisher is no longer flying.

So what will happen after 2 years from now?

*A tap on my shoulder*

“Hi, Mr Mo, you have ordered Veg meal right?” asked the steward, a tall guy with a nice smile, name: Kyle from Jetairways

“Yes, please.” I opened my eyes and answer him, and at the same time realizing I did order it when I booked my ticket online and I was like Thank god, I’m so hungry.

So currently on the flight JW 0616 flying from Kolkata to Mumbai, yes Mumbai! The dream city that I want to work in and settle in, have kids, marry, buy a house, then a car, and live happily ever after. But I’m just passing by Mumbai as my flight is connecting from Mumbai to Singapore, like I said: Air India express no longer operate directly flight from Singapore.

I love flying, simply because I don’t get mind block on flight, probably because I’m flying high up above and the adrenaline somehow reacted faster than I can imagine, and cause no blockage. Alright, that’s lame. But to think it back again, it actually makes me reflect on my life, what I have been doing for the past few months?

Working as a part timer in a boutique department store, writing a book, handling an India project, so what do I want in my life?

I know this time going back to Singapore; the main priority is to fulfill the duty as Singapore man, to serve the country, to protect our people, which also mean that, I lost two years of my youth, alright, not youth, maybe senior, counting my age, I must be old to enter the army now at the age of 22.

I’m actually kind of encouraged by all my brothers in India to join the army, reason being, even thy want to join their army; they may not qualify for it. India, with a population of more than 1 billion, how can thy government expect to make it mandatory? So thinking from the bright side, it’s an honor isn’t it?

But coming back to think again, what will I do with this 2 years? Or after this 2 years? Continue to study? Or getting into a job and work my life off? I know what I want; I want to open a restaurant maybe in India maybe in whatever place I feel obligated to, I want to publish a book (which currently I’m working on), I want to engage with project that helps orphanages in India, get approach by ‘Find me a Singaporean’ to film on my project in India and many more, how many is really realistic for me to do it?

2 years of training in army, will I be able to handle it? Will I slim down? Will I grow out of it? Will I die from it?

“After army, you are going to work right son?”

This sentence has been revolving around my thoughts for the past few weeks, and yes, my maa had said it? After a major operation on her spine, she has been recuperating at home, and you know how it is, normally when you rest for such long time, you will feel that you don’t wish to start your work anymore, you just wanna retired, and for my maa, she should be a housewife long ago, and not work at this age to support me and my brother, I want her to retire too, but will I be able to get a job to feed my family? Will I be able to handle it comes into the question again. Will I be able to really let my maa have good life after?

If, I said If, if I’m able to do it, have a good job, earn lots of money, then how about my studies? Stopping at diploma? I don’t want to be that old man, getting his degree at a age of 90, I want to enjoy my hostel life, I want to study, get a degree, and of course get married! I’m not young anymore; seriously, who the hell does not get marry at the age of 22? In India, I should have 2 kids by now.

So, project coordinator for 2014 India Immersion Programme in NITRKL?

Jun 20, 2012

Times flies, I miss you bhai

I was lying on my bed that day, closing my eyes enjoying the fan blowing towards me from the ceiling. As i close my eyes some memories started to flow back into me. Memories like how I mingle with Ashesh Raghav, Nikhil singh, Himanshu baghel.

I still remember that day when we were brought to the swimming pool to look around, when we was walking out, I ask them how to count 0-10 in Hindi and they taught me, I was saying my India mobile number in Hindi, and all of you guys are like laughing at how i portrait that. That was the first time our mingle became closer and you guys become my brothers.

How time flies, it has been 2 years already, or more than that since. Some of you have already left the campus and join all kinds of companies and i'm glad that you guys have make it into the society.

Like Ashesh Raghav and baniya, you guys have joined the Coal India, I just hope that you guys will do better and strive better in the future, and if fate allow we might meet again?

Heard that Kundan Kumar is helping poor people in India in different places, it may not be realted to what you study, but if you think that it is what you want, you have the passion for it, just follow your heart and do it the best thik hai?

And for the others, which doesn't seem to have any internet connection which has not been in contact for months, I just hope that you guys are doing well and strive for the best in the future.

I will be enlisting to the army in Singapore in 1 November 2012, will be going to India hopefully in September for the last time, I will be seeing some of the others in Rourkela and maybe some in Delhi, just hope to see yu guys again :)

Jun 19, 2012

Updates on my current plans

It has been a while, perhaps a very long time since i have posted anything on my blog. The mood of writing just seems to disappear after coming back from India. It's like I have left my pen back at my home, India, which disallow me to write anything.

Some updates for the past few months:

I have officially graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Diploma in Financial Informatics. Time just seem to flies, I mean just not long ago i have graduated as a business adminstrative student from ITE and now i'm a diploma holder from Polytechnic, everything seem unbelievable. I can still remember the day when I'm making a hard decision whether to continue my studies in ITE (Institute of Technical Education) as alot of bad images influence me from that college, nevertheless, I finishes my course from ITE and proceed to Ngee Ann Polytechnic. 3 years, it has been 3 years since my graduation from ITE and now i'm officially graduated from Polytechnic.

It's been a long way for me I suppose, when your cousins that are like 3 years younger than you are graduating at the same time as you.

2nd updates:

I have actually gotten 'A' Grade for my India Internship! It's a good news for me at least. I have been like rushing the reports, it's not some normal reports, it's an research report and a Immersion programme report, I must say the time given to me was too rush, but still I manage to finish it. If time permits, I would have done better on the research report.

Everyone has been asking me about the internship in India, is there any second batch going over? or is there any students doing the same thing as you? I have already said that, for me itself, I have no problem travelling alone, and before this internship, I have travel to India a few times along, so if another student were to take up this project, I think it will be difficult for him. So i have actually suggest that second batch that is interested in the India Internship, should work out with the lectures to see if there is any availability in company, company means a real type of office and not like what I have been doing, a home office type of work in India.

3rd updates:

So I have now graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, what is my plans from now onwards?

Currently I have no plans yet as in no plans in getting myself into the University, as you guys know that I have to complete my National Service first before I can make any plans for myself. So what I can do now are some part time job to earn some hard cash for myself, 1 is to pay my bills (Credit card, Mobile Phone, Loan), 2 is to save up for my trip this coming September if plans have no changes.

My enlistment date to army is 1 Nov as there is some changes previously from 23 Aug to 1 Nov, so now I can participate in India Immersion Programme 2012! What would make me even happier than going back home (India).

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