It has been a while, perhaps a very long time since i have posted anything on my blog. The mood of writing just seems to disappear after coming back from India. It's like I have left my pen back at my home, India, which disallow me to write anything.
Some updates for the past few months:
I have officially graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Diploma in Financial Informatics. Time just seem to flies, I mean just not long ago i have graduated as a business adminstrative student from ITE and now i'm a diploma holder from Polytechnic, everything seem unbelievable. I can still remember the day when I'm making a hard decision whether to continue my studies in ITE (Institute of Technical Education) as alot of bad images influence me from that college, nevertheless, I finishes my course from ITE and proceed to Ngee Ann Polytechnic. 3 years, it has been 3 years since my graduation from ITE and now i'm officially graduated from Polytechnic.

It's been a long way for me I suppose, when your cousins that are like 3 years younger than you are graduating at the same time as you.
2nd updates:
I have actually gotten 'A' Grade for my India Internship! It's a good news for me at least. I have been like rushing the reports, it's not some normal reports, it's an research report and a Immersion programme report, I must say the time given to me was too rush, but still I manage to finish it. If time permits, I would have done better on the research report.
Everyone has been asking me about the internship in India, is there any second batch going over? or is there any students doing the same thing as you? I have already said that, for me itself, I have no problem travelling alone, and before this internship, I have travel to India a few times along, so if another student were to take up this project, I think it will be difficult for him. So i have actually suggest that second batch that is interested in the India Internship, should work out with the lectures to see if there is any availability in company, company means a real type of office and not like what I have been doing, a home office type of work in India.
3rd updates:
So I have now graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, what is my plans from now onwards?
Currently I have no plans yet as in no plans in getting myself into the University, as you guys know that I have to complete my National Service first before I can make any plans for myself. So what I can do now are some part time job to earn some hard cash for myself, 1 is to pay my bills (Credit card, Mobile Phone, Loan), 2 is to save up for my trip this coming September if plans have no changes.
My enlistment date to army is 1 Nov as there is some changes previously from 23 Aug to 1 Nov, so now I can participate in India Immersion Programme 2012! What would make me even happier than going back home (India).
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