Dec 19, 2010

Sorry, I got some bad news

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Suraj: I'm going to fall, no, don't leave me here, please, don't leave me here.

Suraj beg the doctor not to leave him in the clinic room alone. He's been having fever for only one day but it's already enough to kill him.

Suraj woke up in the morning feeling very cold right inside, it's been always like this every morning. The fan will swirl in full speed, curtain will start to follow the howling wind. Woke up early in the morning to prepare himself for work, working 12 hours, long day ahead.

Dragged himself to the washroom to bath, then set off to the trail of work. He brought his jacket along, because he still felt the cold embracing him.

Time check: 10am

12 hours before Suraj Singh is down

Work started at 10.15am but he need to be there 15 mins earlier to at least count the float for the cashier post. Suraj is working in a bookstore near his house, an AC Bookstore at least. For his situation, he wish that the AC was not there because he was cold enough to shiver during his work.

It was cold for him, he couldn't take it anymore, so during his break, he went down to the pharmacy and get himself panadol (A medication that people eat when having a cold, fever, headache). He ate 2 pills at once with the mineral water and rested a while during his break, he felt better after the medication, he started to sweat and everything. And the next minute he was alright to carry on his work. 2 hours later, the weakness is back, his hand was feeling cold like a corpse, numbness that's all he can felt, but he didn't told any of his colleague he was not well to carry on his work. He just kept quiet and force himself to carry on his work.

Around 5pm, a colleague ask the manager to let her go back and rest because she was feeling unwell. And Suraj was slow in that bit seconds to ask for permission to go back home. What a day he had? One colleague back home, the store will be even short of staff, so guess what? Suraj decided to stay on, fighting his fever and fighting the crowds in the store.

He ate another two panadol in the evening, same procedure, same feeling. He felt that the fever is gone temporary and will be back soon enough.

Time Check: 10pm

The day has finally ended let Suraj tell you what happen next.

Suraj: Hey manager, can you close my cashier post first? I'm not feeling real well.

Manager: Ouh, alright, it will be your turn soon, just hold on.

I was shivering right at the counter, the fever was worsen over the day and i felt like i was naked in the Antarctica, that's how cold i was.

Before the manager could help me close my cashier post, i didn't felt good, i started to feel uncomfortable, even though haan, i've been feeling uncomfortable the whole day, but this time round it's different. My colleague sense something wrong, so decided to send me home calling a taxi. She and another colleague was with me sending me home, but i started to have difficulty breathing the moment we found a taxi. Instead of sending me back home, i was send to the nearest 24 hrs clinic. On the journey there, i had a panic attack. I started to breathe 3 times faster than a human being which is too much oxygen a body can take in, when i reach the clinic with my 2 colleague, i was given priority. The doctor quickly get me a plastic bag and ask me to breathe in and out while holding the plastic bag. Because i had too much oxygen, so to compensate that, i have to breath in carbon dioxide produces by me back to the body. If i'm not wrong with this theory.

I was lying there helplessly. I didn't felt so useless before. Doctor called the ambulance. I was measured 40 Degree Celsius.

My colleague called my mum and bada bhai down to the clinic.

I was lying on the bed, i couldn't felt my hand, i lost my eye sight, everything to me because 180 degree reflection, a straight line becomes a slope and i was lying on the bed, but imagination run wilds, i felt like i was resting on a piece of tile, and that tile was the one and only one, beside me are all holes, big black holes. When i turn, i may fall into this big black hole. It was terrible.

At this time, i had that "Flashback". That flashback which you will see on the TV every time someone is going to die. I saw that, yes i saw that. In my 18 years in life, all just came flowing back to me, how my parents got divorce, what happen in school, how i hate to study, how i went through my life, how i came to stay with mum, how i lost my dad's concern, how i was going to graduate in a few months time. All this came flowing back to me. It was horrible. I saw all my lies, i saw all my bad stuff, i saw all stuff that i wish i could have done better or i don't even have to do it in the first place. I thought i was going to die. I thought i was going to be blind because when i open my eyes, everything was white in color, i sees nothing.

Suraj: I'm going to fall, no, don't leave me here, please, don't leave me here.

I beg the doctor not to leave me in the clinic room. The doctor assure me that everything is going to be alright. My mum came half an hour later.

Mum: Hey Suraj, are you alright?

Suraj: Maa.. Maa.. I can't see anything.. I'm scared..

Mum: Don't be scared, i'm here Suraj, your bada bhai is here, your two colleagues is here.

Suraj: I can't see anything, am i going to be blind? I don't want to be blind. Maaa....

Doctor: You are alright, your fever is too high, that's why. Everything is going to be alright after you reach the hospital.

I felt tired, it was then i wanted to sleep and rest.

Doctor: Hey, don't sleep, you can't sleep, you may slip into a coma, don't sleep, come on be with me.

Suraj: I'm tired, i want to sleep.

Doctor told one of the male colleague to keep me awake and don't let me sleep while he's going to make the call again for the ambulance.

The male colleague holds my hand

Male colleague: Hey Suraj, it's me, come on, don't sleep, listen to me, i'm talking to you, don't sleep

My male colleague moves my hand every few second so i'm awake.

Suraj: I'm tired.

Male colleague: yes, i know, don't sleep please, you got to be awake, the ambulance is coming, bear with it.

Time check 12am

The ambulance took 1 and a half hour to reach the clinic, which is counted slow.

I was send up the ambulance in the wheeler, everyone in the clinic was staring at me i suppose, i couldn't actually see them. Everything is turning right inside me, i can't even stand up straight.

3 Days later

I was discharged from the hospital, reason being virus infection, and i was told i got to come back from check ups two weeks later. I was given a 10 days medical certification. I was still feeling weak when i was discharge, i think probably because of the antibiotic given to me for the past 3 days.

My mum came to fetch me, and we took a taxi home. There was no school at that time because it was the start of my school holidays. I was at home recuperate.

2 Weeks later

I went back to the hospital for a check up. The doctor took my blood for some testing and ask me to wait outside the room. I waited for an hour before i got to know the result. That one hour was the longest wait of my life, i couldn't sit down in peace and wait, neither can i read a magazine while waiting. I was so figurative that whole while. Finally the doctor called me in.

Doctor: Hey Suraj, sorry to keep you waiting.

Suraj: Koi Baat Nahi, so what's the result?

Doctor: I'm afraid, it's not a good news.

Suraj: I thought you guys said it's just virus infection?

Doctor: Yes, the fever was cause by the virus infection, but we found out that your liver is not functioning like it should.

Suraj: What do you mean?

Doctor: For a normal adult's liver to be working fine and healthy the counting should be 20-27, but your liver counting.. ...

Suraj: What about mine? What about my liver counting?

Doctor: I'm afraid it's a serious case Suraj. It's 257.

Suraj: How can it be? it's 10 times of a healthy liver counting.

Doctor: Yes, we need to take your blood again for hep B testing, we suspect you having hep B.

Suraj: But doctor, i have vaccine for Hep B when i was born, is it still possible?

Doctor: Sorry, we still need to do further testing. Make an appointment to come back next week for the testing. Now, if you excuse me.

I walk out of her room. Looking blur and confuse, everything came so fast. So i'm going to die? because of liver malfunction? That's it?

I went to the counter to make an appointment for next week.

Nurse: your appointment will be next week, i have arrange you to have your appointment in the morning, because you can't have anything or drink anything before the test, so morning will be the best. Do remember, don't eat or drink anything after 10pm the day before your appointment.

Suraj: Thik hai.

1 Week later

I went back the hospital for the testing and the result was negative for Hep B, the doctor told me that i have other testing to be done since i'm Hep B free. The testing carried on and got no result but still at the same time, i'm paying for all the reports and testing which cost me $500 over.

Doctor: I'm sorry Suraj, after all the testing, we still unable to trace the result of the liver counting, we still need to do more testing.

Suraj: You have done umpteen testing on me, and yet this is what you tell me?

Doctor: This are all the procedure Suraj, we need to find out what's the root of this problem, if not the liver may affect your eye sight?

Suraj: What? it may affect my eye sight?what do you mean?

Doctor: Your liver is not functioning normally as the counting is high, so it may reduce the level of an antioxidant called glutathione which can help to protect against eye disease.

I left the room, while the doctor is calling me. I ignore everything she said and left the hospital. The hospital ever since tried to make an appointment for me to come back for more blood test, but i ignored all the appointments.

3 years later

3 years since, i can feel what the doctor had said is coming true, sometimes in the day my eye sight became blur even when I'm wearing my spectacle . I will be "blind" for a while during the day or night. Is this the indication of my death?

I wake up everyday feeling glad that i survive the night, how long will i be here? I have alot of things left unfinished. Will i be able to finish them all make everything come true?


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