Dec 29, 2010

Children of my life

I used to hate children alot, not those cute and not naughty one. I hate those that cries whenever they go, hit their parents when they don't buy toys for them. I hate them.

Like what i said: I used to.

Sitting on the bus and stare into blank space actually reminds me of what i use to be. I was also once a baby, a children, someone's child, a maa's son, a naughty kid. Then why i hate them so much? Is it because they have a full warmth and cosy family while i don't? I really don't know. Maybe that was the childish reason i had in mind.

Yesterday, a small boy and her maa came to my counter to buy a drink. Her maa forgotten to take her change so i called out to the boy.

Suraj: Chotu, chotu!

He turn around.

Suraj: Your change.

Chotu took the change, he couldn't reach the counter but he manage to take the change from me, i look at how small his hand were, how he look at me and smile like a cute boy without any worries.

Chotu: Thank you uncle.

That was his sweet voice.

As he walk with his favourite drink in hand, he pass the change to her maa and her maa look at me and thank me by nodding her head.

Chotu was still looking at me, smiling away. That was when i realise how cute he was. I just wanna embrace him in my hug and carry him like a paa.

Oh did i said paa?

oh yes i did. (I'm officially 21, a legal age to marry isn't it?)

I'm ready to be a father, I ready to get marry and i'm ready to have my own children. I told myself. No matter how naughty my children are, no matter how spoil my children are, i'm going to teach them right. I'm not going to let them know what's naughty, I'm not going to let them be spoil brat, i want them to be someone useful in the society.

I can imagine myself with my boy

Boy: Paa paa.
Suraj: Yes boy?

As he walk towards me and hug me and i carry him up

Boy: Paa paa, I love you
As he gave me a kiss on my face

Suraj: Paa paa love you too boy


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