Dec 19, 2010

Some things are left unzipped rather than left unsaid

Ryan Phillippe

Have you ever left your house feeling you are perfect, the next min you realize your zip have been left unzipped for the past 3 hours?

Have you ever saw someone on the street with your same situation but you doesn't have the courage to pluck out to approach him/her and tell her: "Hey miss, errrr. your pants, yup yes it it!"

We use to have thousand of ideas on: "How to tell stranger that they have not zip their pants" but when you really met with one, you wouldn't know what to say.

Thik hai, let me share some of the ideas we came about:

1. Hey dude, your bird is flying off
2. Hey, don't you think it's abit cold below?
3. Hey, your bird would catch a cold dude!
4. Hey, it's bright at the bottom i can't seem to avoid that bright scene, zip up dude.

Or directly walk towards him and tell him: "Hey you forgotten to zip your pant"

And see him, turn and back facing you trying to zip his pant, but the main problem is, you can simply zip up, sometimes it's the zip problem, you wish that you have oil to put on the zip to zip your pant up, sometimes you are too nervous that the zip takes forever to zip up, it's as if there's a type of force and energy stopping you from zipping.

I have the same experience with the former one actually i have two, one was real embarrassing the other experience was "dangerous". The one that i wish that i have oil to put on the zip happens when i was in India. I was going to do a presentation that night not a formal one, just simply casual, so i look through my wardrobe for a formal shirt and a casual jean to wear so that i have this casual formal look. I found this black Lee brother pant in my wardrobe so i decided to wear it for the night. After a hot bath, and i'm ready to dress up. Everything seem perfect for me, i look in the mirror and say: "You are just as good as you are",sprayed my perfume and i'm ready to go.

I went out of my room and friends are just outside, close friends for god sake. I went out of the room and started to talk to them. Around 10 mins later, a friend came over to me, brought me to a corner and told me: "Hey Suraj, your zip!" I was like OMG! and quickly turn over to try to zip up. In my mind, i kept thinking for the last 10 mins, everyone had been looking at my unzip pant and things got worsen, i started to sweat because my zip doesn't seem to zip up. The pant is a new one, so the zip is not smooth at all, which takes me forever to zip up. It took me 10 mins to zip that black pant. I felt ashame to face my friends after that incident that night.

Another incident happen in Singapore when i went to the gents, i was inside the cubicle. After i finish my "business" i wore my pant and zip up. But the zip got stuck half way and i tried to pull the zip up but it is still stuck mid way. I force it up, and guess what? the zip broke! Zip broke! That's the worse thing that can happen to a guy, a zip broke, pant tear rank number 2. I started to panic, i was thinking: "Who the hell invented Zip!" How i wish i wore my button jean today, the one that has no zip but button. I started to pace around in the cubicle like a crazy man. What should i do? I ask myself a thousand time. I was inside the gents for 20 mins. By now, my friends are calling me, i refuse to pick up, the calls are driving me crazy.

You know what i did? That was the most dangerous thing i ever did. I button my pant, arrange the front layer neatly infront of the second layer as if it's zipped, flush the toilet and walk out confidently out of the cubicle. People were waiting outside and most probably thinking: "What the hell is he doing in the cubicle for so long? Hiding gold?" I went to wash my hand and went to meet my friends. I tried to walk slowly and acted calm. I try not to stretch my leg so far apart or makes to much movement to my lower body. I don't know whether stranger on the street or road saw that my pant were unzipped, at least my friends with me didn't know that.

I just don't know why? All this incident seems to happen to me. 1 day, i can see around 4-5 people did not zip their pants. Don't say i'm a pervert, but it's pretty obvious.

Don't ask me why? but this incident seems like a magnet, they are the north side and i'm the south side and we both get attracted.

I was working in a bookstore previously in the customer service counter.

Suraj: Hi, good afternoon mdm, how may i help you?

Customer: I want to apply for membership here? does i have the member entitlement right away?

Suraj: Yes mdm, you will get 10% discount for all non nett price books and 20 percent discount on June and December with the voucher found in the member magazine.

Customer: Alright, then i will apply for the member.

Suraj: Here's the form mdm, fill up your particulars and i will print the card for you straight away.

Customer started to fill up her particulars, that was when i saw her pant is unzipped. Goodness, she's a female customer, how can i tell her? How do i tell her that her pant is unzipped? She will definitely felt offended.

After i print the member ship card for her, she started to leave the store.

Suraj: Mdm, here's your membership card, and thank you for applying

Customer: Thanks (And started walking away and out of the store)

My manager came over at the right moment.

Suraj: Hey, manager.

Manager: Yes?

Suraj: That customer (Pointing to that customer)! Yes, that customer with the blonde hair. She forgotten to zip her pant, quick tell her!

Manager: Why you didn't tell her? (In a anxious tone)

Suraj: I'm a guy, she's a girl, she may feel offended! Don't ask anymore, she's leaving the store.

Manager chase and run towards her.

Manager: Hey mdm, hey mdm!

The customer stop and look at my manager. My manager went to her ear and whisper a few words, which is then the lady started to freak out and quickly zip up. And even thank my manager for reminding her.

It's an embarrassing moment but at least i manage to save a pant unzipped.

Just remember, to check your zip often before and after you wear your pant, don't say that you have zip when you wore it, because nowadays, zip is not trust-able, it may slip down as and when you walk.

So let's Zip up.


chirag... said...

u hav such a magnetic attraction towards zips

wld2046 said...

Haha. Yaar!!! Lol

Mag[m] said...

lolz dude.... dont know about ma fly but ma eyes cant avoid this bright post.... awesome dude...

Suraj Singh said...

hahaha. Thanks Mag :D

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