Jan 3, 2011

Land of Opportunity

Source: http://blogs.calumet.purdue.edu/gca/conferences/india-conference-2009/

45 days and i will be back in Kolkata, life in Singapore is kind of bored me, i thought. I think by saying that, lots of people will kill me right?

But who cares?

It is so funny that people want to come to singapore and people from singapore wanna go out of singapore, like me. I just felt that Singapore no longer belongs to a place i could stay. Singapore is nice with the development so far, and no second thought that i love my country, but the hikes and everything is pulling me away. It's nice having to see that from a poor and unhygienic country, Singapore has developed into a wonderful and nice and green city, but at the same time the standard and cost of living has also developed over times. How my maa and Dadi used to tell me that a meal cost $0.20 in their times and now? A meal cost $3 with a drink cost $1.20 everyday we spend around $10 in our meal which is RS 340. This is provided you eat in Coffeeshop, if you were to have it in Food court it will cost even more.

I use to say don't compare India with Singapore because, i mean look at the standard and develop singapore has come so far and look at India again? It's really Incomparable.

But let's look again and tell ourself, if Singapore has not develop and just remain as it is. Buses are still going by electricity, drain is unclean, houses were not built and just remain as one old type of Kampong building, there's no wireless access everywhere, what will Singapore has become? I think our life isn't better that way isn't it?

Stop complaining and do something Suraj! I told myself? Which is why, i'm not intending to stay in Singapore. I was talking to a bhai, he had graduated not long and is working in New Delhi now. He ask me where i was from and i told him i was from Singapore and everything, and i even told him i intend to work in India and not staying in Singapore.

Suraj: How stupid i am thinking to work in India right?

Bhai: Nope, i wasn't thinking that way because everyone has their own perspective and i just felt that it's your own choice and own way of thinking, you may work in Singapore and not be happy about it.

Suraj: But the standard of living compare to India, it is better in Singapore.

Bhai: It depends on how you want to live your life

This conversation actually let me carry on thinking on what i want in life. Haan, the life in Singapore is better in India but the opportunity is no longer there isn't it? You are nothing special here anymore, i can feel that pressure. What can still be done? If i'm born 10 years earlier, perhaps i wouldn't have the same thinking now, i may want to work in Singapore. But too bad i'm born 10 years later.

People has tell me, India have lots of talent why India but i tell myself that i will surely be able to survive that's all i tell myself and i'm ready to strive my career in India.

I have the confident that no one can imagine.

This is me people. This is Suraj Singh


Anonymous said...

I've as a last resort liked things like sand clocks, lava lamps, and the like to good of rightful dissipate all at once staring at it as a formality of catharsis. In a way, it helps me with meditation, to relieve stress and scarcely fantasize just about nothing. That's why since I was a kid, instead of dolls and cars I've always cool more of such pieces like sand clocks, lava lamps, musical boxes etc. So I was most delighted when I establish the[url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/goods-1260-2-Laser++LED+Light+Show+Laser+Top+Gyroscope+with+Music+Effects.html] 2-Laser + LED Inconsiderable Show Laser Top Gyroscope with Music Effects[/url] from DealtoWorld.com protection the Toys section. It's like a musical caddy, a spinning exceed, and a light reveal all rolled into one. Which is capacious amusement! The gyroscope wishes concoct object of round a minute. The laser enlightenment pretension with accompanying music makes this gyroscope a very unique fiddle with that my friends get also been most amused with.

My dogs are also fair intrusive around the laser gyroscope I got from DealtoWorld.com. They unceasingly occupy oneself with the gyroscope as it spins, although at first place they kept barking at the laser diverting dismiss advertise, and also because it produces music. But after they got tempered to it, they've stopped barking but just keep following the gyroscope whenever I start spinning it. Kids are also pretty amused by it. Off it's proper to maintain diverting toys about the blood so that you can desert the bit of frippery trifle with on while the kids are being amused or playing with it while you open to get up scoff or get changed. The gyroscope is unified such trinket with this purpose.

The gyroscope I bought from DealtoWorld.com has a dragon as a intent plot on it, and produces a gegenschein accompany with red, blue, and common colours. Pit oneself against a look at the pictures I've uploaded of the gyroscope with laser light show. The music produced from the gyroscope is not that expert but allowable sufficiency to accommodate any chic customer to the house. The gyroscope is red and black, making it look extraordinarily cool, and somewhat arrogant with that dragon imprint.

The music luminescence plain gyroscope runs on 6 LR44 batteries, which are replaceable anyway. I've also euphemistic pre-owned this gyroscope to surprise my girlfriend during our anniversary celebration. I did the cheesy thing of decorating the pension elbow-room with roses and when I led her in, I started up the gyroscope as affectionately so that the laser brighten register produces a fresh effect. I also had some battery operated candles so all the understanding effects created a rather mawkish atmosphere. She loved it, by the going, to my relief. I also bought the candles from DealtoWorld.com. These days it seems to be my oversight shopping site in return all gifts and ideas in behalf of fancied occasions.

Since Christmas is coming, this laser lamp playing gyroscope can dialect mayhap be a superb Christmas gift for the toddler or neutral the favoured! Alternatively, the gyroscope can really be a kindly summation to the usual Christmas decorations. I can take it as given placing it adjoining the Christmas tree and maybe spinning it when guests hit town in the house. Looks like [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com]DealtoWorld.com[/url] is getting my function thus far again!

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