Dec 15, 2010

Akshaya Patra Foundation

Chotu: Maa, Why can't i go and study like what other children are doing?

Maa: Chotu, if you attend school, we wouldn't have enough money for food.

Chotu: But Maa, I want to study! I want to study! I promise i eat lesser every day, just let me go school, please.

Maa: How much lesser can you eat Chotu? You are growing Chotu, you can't eat any lesser. You get hungry easily, you feel cold easily. I can't afford to let you fall sick and pay for your medication.

Chotu: But Maa...(Interrupted by Maa)

Maa: THIK HAI Chotu!!! my decision is final and that's it!

You must be thinking, oh that's so dramatic, you will only see this in the television, it's impossible to happen on earth. How can the parent stop her child from going to school?

You may not know, but this happen, in India.

44% of children below 5 suffered from Malnutrition
(Data Statistic provided by

The World Bank estimates that India is ranked 2nd in the world of the number of children suffering from malnutrition, after Bangladesh (in 1998), where 47% of the children exhibit a degree of malnutrition. The prevalence of underweight children in India is among the highest in the world, and is nearly double that of Sub-Saharan Africa with dire consequences for mobility, mortality, productivity and economic growth.

No food, goes hunger who will even think of study? But do you know? Education is the only route to stop poverty? Yes and Akshaya Patra Foundation believe that.

Akshaya Patra Foundation is the largest non-profit organisation in the world to implement the school meal programme. A man named: A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada saw a group of children fighting with street dogs over scraps of food. From this simple, yet heart breaking incident, came the determination that: No one within a ten mile radius of their center should go hungry.

It is his inspiration which helped to create The Akshaya Patra Foundation as it is today.

They began this initiative with the vision that “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.”

With the partnership of the Government of India & various State governments, as well as the generosity of thousands of supporters, they have grown from a small endeavor to a mammoth force that stretches across the country.

Now they are reaching out to 1.2 million children everyday.

I felt that this foundation is doing their best to change India, like what i have always said: India is a Land of opportunity. This child over in India were not given an opportunity to discover their talent, but Akshaya Patra Foundation make this children realise that:

Next before you decide to donate, you will start to worry that your money will not be spent on the food but other things, well, the financial report is there for you, they have also provide you information on how your money is spent. Just click on the information link and you will realise your questions are all answer by the foundation.


Ranj said...

Great effort. Keep it up!!

Unknown said...

Thanks :D

Ashesh Raghav said...

loved the post and loved the efforts of Akshaya Patra foundation even more !! Keep it up. And good luck for it's future

Unknown said...

@Ashesh: Hey, thanks :D hehe. I'm so supporting this foundation :D

Mohan said...

Glad to see so many bloggers joining hands to feed the future souls of India! Their mission statement says it all.

pramod said...

very well written. superb.

Unknown said...

@Mohan: Thanks :D
@Pramod: Glad you like the article :D

Unknown said...

@Satya: Thanks, appreciate lots :D

Mohini Puranik said...

Very Nice info! Thanks! Article very nice too

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