Dec 14, 2010

Asset instead of Liability

Exam this four letter should be familiar to everyone i suppose. Everyone hates it, including myself.

Who love exam?

Oh, haan, one person love exam, the silencer in '3 idiots' love exam. He's a good example of someone that study without understanding but at the same time he score high marks in all exam.

I was thinking who resemble him in my school.

My exam period is on this week, i had my first exam yesterday, it was a open book exam, how people wish that all exams were open book. But i felt that open book exam may be even harder than close book if you don't understand the module. Isn't it?

I open my book last night to study for my second exam, economics, trying to conquer it. But i failed. Fail not because i was weak but because i gave up on all the graph and calculation. I'm not good in maths, i agreed. Which is why, i never chose any Engineering courses. But i guess as a Indian in a chinese body, that's one part of it that does not resemble a Indian isn't it?

A India Indian Papa would want their children to be studying engineering and be a engineer. No matter of Computer Engineer, Service Engineer or Ceramic Engineer, as long there's a engineer there, they will be exuberant about it. They can tell their neighbors and family that: "Hey, my son is a engineer!"

Why i never mention 'daughter'? Just in some olden days, or even now in some part of the country not only in India, parents still thin that girl shouldn't study so much, girls shouldn't work but have to stay at home. Now back to India, parents wouldn't want to send their daughter to school, they want her to stay at home.

1. To learn how to be a virtue wife
2. To learn how to cook
3. To learn how to serve your husband
4. To learn how to show respect
5. To learn how to say YES and not NO

That's what some of the females are doing in the country. I'm not mentioning the figures because i don't have the exact figures. I can't say it's the majorities because there are families that sent their daughter to school, and it's all the way till university. But do they want their daughter to be educated or because that way their daughter is worth more? I can't make a stand by discriminating the others. Yes, some really wanted their daughter to have high level education, because in this century the only thing that one can survive is education.

Recently i got to know from a friend that a new scheme is coming up to protect this little ones. I'm not sure when the scheme is up, i heard from my friend the scheme is open recently but i check online, the scheme was known to the public 2 years ago, so which is which?

I just know the scheme is up.

Here's how the scheme works:

(The government on Monday launched 'Dhan Laxmi', a conditional cash transfer scheme for the girl child. A significant amount of money will be provided to the family of the girl child on fulfilling certain conditions.

The conditions include registration of birth of the girl, following total immunisation schedule, school enrolment and delaying of marriage until the age of 18 years. In addition, an insurance cover to the tune of Rs.1 lakh will be provided to the girl child at birth, Minister of State for Women and Child Development Renuka Chowdhury said here while launching the scheme.

Announced to mark the International Women's Day - celebrated on March 8 - Ms. Chowdhury said that in all a cash package of Rs.2 lakh will be provided to the girl's family, preferably to the mother, through the scheme. )

I don't know why, but i feel that they are doing something now, and it's good to hear that. By giving the money to the mother doesn't mean it's a form of disrespect to the father, you should understand where i trying to go.

(The scheme is to be launched on a pilot basis in 11 educationally most backward blocks of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. It will cover both those living below and above the poverty line. An outlay of Rs.10 crore has been proposed for 2008-09 benefiting 1,01,970 girl children.

Ms. Chowdhury said that the objective of the scheme was to provide a set of staggered financial incentives for families to encourage them for better upbringing of the girl child and to educate her. She said the scheme will also help in changing the mindset of the family towards the girl by linking cash and non-cash transfers of her well-being. This will ensure that the girl child is seen as an asset rather than a liability as her existence will lead to cash inflow to the family, the Minister said.

To mark the International Women's Day, the Centre will launch a public awareness campaign about women's issues through railway tickets. Initially, 5-crore tickets will be printed carrying social messages to check female foeticide, child marriage, dowry, domestic violence, trafficking and harassment. She also announced a skill upgradation programme for women, especially destitutes, in private partnership. Under the programme, 100 women will be provided training in different trades and their employment will be facilitated.

The Minister also stressed on making self-defence courses mandatory for girls in all schools. She added that she had written to the Union Human Resource Development Ministry in this connection.)

You guys must be thinking why? why give money to the families that have girl child?

Below is another article that shows why?

(Despite laws banning tests to determine the sex of an unborn child, the killing of female foetuses is common in some regions in India.

According to a United Nations survey conducted in 2007, an estimated 2,000 unborn girls are illegally aborted every day in India.

This has led to skewed sex ratios in regions like Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh and New Delhi, where a census in 2001 showed there are less than 800 girls for every 1,000 boys.

According to estimates by the Central Government, over the past 20 years, 10 million girls, have been killed either before or immediately after birth by their parents. (ANI))

So parents, please do not kill your baby girl, they are an asset not a liability. They can do good things more than you can imagine, you have no reason to kill them or abandon them anymore. NO REASON.



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