Oct 25, 2010

You guys are in my heart

4 days back in Singapore.

Everyone should have already got back their way of life in Singapore, some already have tasted their lost flavor in Singapore. While some others are finding all the Singapore food, i have been missing the food in India.Within this four days in Singapore, i have been taking 1 non veg meal and 1 veg meal. The veg meal here in Singapore is killing me! Someone from India please parcel Paneer for me please.

I miss the Garlic Paneer, Paneer butter masala, Chilli Paneer and anything that is related to Paneer.

It's like i'm a india nationality, coming to Singapore to study. I miss NITRKL. I have been thinking since the day i'm back, i told myself perhaps because school term have not started so i felt empty inside. But i was wrong. Today was the first day of school, i took the bus to school. I need to take 3 buses to reach the school. When i reached the school, i felt even more empty than i should have felt. Walking at the familiar pathment, i miss the one at NITRKL. Walking pass cheers (One of the convenient store), i miss the one near the Auditorium where i use to buy Munch. Went into the AC Classroom, i don't know how i did it, the environment just changes to the AC Classroom in NITRKL for a few minutes. I miss NITRKL. And i was telling myself: "Imagine this classroom had power cut, students will start to complain, they don't even know how fortunate they are!"

Lots of "Signs" are appearing in my life, if you don't know what are "Signs" are? Watch Anjanna Anjanni!

Before i went to watch the movie: Anjanna Anjanni, i told them that how i wish they are there to watch with me. The first sign came in the movie. Two of the character, one is name: Gaurav and the other is name: Nikhil appear in the movie. Was it coincident? or because of what i said and they appeared in the movie?

I can't simply just forget my brothers there..

Listening to the song 'Mere Bina' was my favourite free time activity. It makes me think of Akshat and Gaurav, they was the one that accompany me to watch the movie Crook. While missing the two of them,i realized the singer was named Nikhil D' Souza. Nikhil was my best friend in NITRKL, from best friend we became close friend and now? we are brother. I treated him surpass my blood brother, i treated him as my blood brother. That was the second sign.

You may be thinking WTH, but everything i did, just simply connected to my family back in India.

Yesterday i got myself a Indian name: 'Suraj Singh', i have thought of many names but Suraj just pop to my mind. Then i was thinking i should get myself a family name if not it won't be complete. I thought of Chauhan, Bhagat and others but Singh came into my mind so i took Singh as my family name. And Anjul told me that to remove the Singh because every family name has a caste, i didn't remove. I felt that this caste system does not exist in my world at least. If you look down on me because my family name is a Singh, then why bother to talk to me or become my friend. To me, everyone is equal, even the beggers on the streets have my respect.

After deciding the name, i realised, i had the same family name as Keshav and Nikhil. Keshav Singh and Nikhil Singh. That was the third Sign.

Today, while on the bus to school, i pick up the book Leo had given me, Five point someone. I was reading the book, it reminds me of the time i spend alone in the guest house watching '3 idiots'. I started to miss Leo. Then again, i look at the front page, the name 'Chetan' was there. Chetan is one of the dancer in Synergy, and i can say he dance to express not to impress and i like him. He's my good friend (: And there goes the fourth sign.

For some reason (if you want to know talk to me on gtalk i do not wish to disclose here), i got myself money for the Air ticket to India in March, i just wanna say, even god wants me back to India, i have no reason not to come back. That was the fifth sign.

Today i cross our school pedestrain, a guy wearing a black shirt with the word 'Linkin park' walk past me. You must be thinking how Linkin park got connected to my family in India? Remember the quiz we had in the class? The last question's answer was Linkin park. I loss the first place in the game, but even i lost i never forget the help i gotten from Ashesh, Anjul and all. Thanks (: That was the sixth sign.

I'm coming back on March 4, if my schedule and everything is confirmed. I promised. I will come back. You guys have to make space in your hostel. HAHAHAHA. And i will visit all your rooms to see who had the most messy room, even though i know it's ANJUL but i still wanna check it out. So please do tidy your room, if not i will come and tidy your room and you might lose your stuff. hahhaah (:

Last thing, you guys are in my heart man, no one can replace this piece of puzzle in my heart. You guys are irreplaceable. I love you guys.

Should i sign off as Gary or Suraj Singh?

Suraj Singh-


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