Oct 24, 2010

Thanks for entering my life

Feeling reluctant to leave India. It's been an enjoyable time for me,i swear. I have no complaint for the country because there is nothing to complain from my side. I wish i could stay for at least another 5 weeks, or even 5 months. But i have to leave.

I told 'Ashesh' to kidnap me at the Airport and to bring his whole hall to the Airport to kidnap me, but 'Nikhil' said that it doesn't need the whole hall to kidnap me, they will do the job. But they was not there. I really hope i can see them in the Airport and kidnap me in real time. That is how much i wanted to stay, that is how much i love the country.

But, i have to leave.

Reluctantly, i boarded the plane, felt sad, not because i didn't sat with my friend, not because i got stuck in between two indian man, not because i don't have a table on the plane to have my meal but because i left my family behind. Who will leave their family behind and leave to another country? Me sadly.

May be, words couldn't really portrait what i really felt at that moment.

I sat on the plane making all the last min call i could to tell my brothers that i'm leaving and i will be back for them. I didn't even bother to look at the steward, which was showing us the safety exits and mask procedure if it crashes. He signaled me to hang up the cal, but i couldn't careless, i was on the phone with 'Phani'.

The plane took off, i felt sad, miserable,reluctant. I didn't cry, because i wouldn't want my friends to see me cry, i know they will cry too. I hold myself.

My heart was left in India.

4 Hours later, i reached Singapore. It was 2.45pm Singapore time, which is 12.15pm IST. Went to buy the liquor before proceeding home. No one came to fetch me, because my small family was out to holiday. I saw my friend's family there picking them up, i was telling myself, even my mum or brother was there, it didn't pass the meter of me wanting to see Nikhil and all there. I pushes the cart to wait for the taxi.

In the Taxi, i took out my phone and started to message everyone informing that i have arrive at Singapore and i will call them as soon as possible. My tears rolled down. I'm alone in the taxi.

I reached home, the first thing i did wasn't unpacking, wasn't washing up, wasn't cooking but to set up my lap top so i can talk to them. I sat infront of the computer for nearly 10 hours straight. I turned on the TV and realized channel was in Chinese or English. I miss 9XM.

I slipped in my DVD and started listening, it was 'I hate Love Story'. Minutes later, i change to the crook album. I was listening through the songs and talking to some of them online. My tears came down, i had flash back of what had happen in India. I can see Nikhil helping me fixed the internet in my room, Leo was coming around checking the Current of the Lap top. I can see, Akshat and Gaurav with me watching Crook, having sweet in the shop. I can see Sahil dancing on the stage. Anjana teaching us dance, chetan saying: 'I am Lo' Anjul playing 'Plant Vs Zombie on my lappy, Himanshu and Ashesh feeding me at CCD. By the time everything came up on my mind, tears couldn't stop.

I misses all of them.

With my eyes red, i went down to the convenient store to buy calling card, i think i gave them a shock with my red and puffy eyes. They told me it's out of stock. But i told myself i have to call them today, so i walked myself to another store quite far from my house to buy the calling card. I got myself a phoenix card and i walked back home.

I tried calling, but to no avail. I spent 5 mins figuring out how to use the card, then i started to call Nikhil then Akshat then Gaurav. I misses them. I know they misses me too.

I talked to them, i misses their voice, i misses their hugs, i misses their laughter. :(

My mum came back the next day, I was out with some of the friends that went India and Rajesh and his wife to catch 'Anjanna Anjanni' at bugis shaw tower. It was nice, but i wish Akshat and Gaurav was here with me. I know they wanted to catch the movie! They brought me to the cinema at Bhubaneswar wanting to watch that movie, but it was not available which turns out we catch the movie crook.

I don't know how to express my sadness beside crying.

Mum: Why are you sad? You came back to Singapore, you should be happy? You are always like that, so sentiments. You just went there to study, that's it. Just don't think too much already.

Me: Mum, it's not one day, it's not one week but it's 5 weeks there. How can i don't think about my family there? They took care of me, not because we are there and they had to, but they took care of me out from their heart. I felt it. You said that i'm sentiments. Yes, i am. All because of you giving birth to me. Don't tell me you are not! You cry even watching sad story. If i'm not sentiments, you should start worrying, because i may not be your son.

What i can say now is that i won't forget everyone of you that has contributed in my life, you are my brothers and sisters. I treated you guys more than my blood family. You are my family. Don't tell me that i'm a chinese! I'm a Indian in a chinese body alright? I misses all of you. And i will be back on March. I have told my parents about it, and they are fine with it. I will be back. Remember to prepare my birthday present alright? hahahaha. I love you guys.

Gary Mo (Suraj Singh)


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