Sep 8, 2010

India Immersion Programme 2010

Hi Readers, It's been a week since i updated. How's life people?

I just finished my last exam today in the morning and i'm glad i manage to survive the papers. I'm currently on holidays now. But i will be flying off in a week time, flying off to India, Rourkela for 5 weeks. I will be studying two modules there. One is 'IT outsourcing' and two is 'Insight to India'. I really hope the 'IT outsourcing' is fun, because i am really outsourcing into india.

It's been quite a huge struggle on deciding to like go over to india for the 5 weeks immersion programme, because i went to Wuhan previously and this time round i got no subsidy from the school, so i got to pay like the full amount which was $1800.

I have some money in my PSEA account, which is around $200 plus, Government gave me $250 for the GST Offset package which i use for my india trip. I manage to find a sponsorer to sponsor me $1000 and lastly i use my part time job pay, to pay for my trip. So i maange to pay the full sum. Thank god! Praise the lord. hahahah (:

So right now, i need to prepare myself for the trip. I need to prepare lots of stuff, but donno where to start? hahaha. I intending to buy one canton of maggie over there. hahaha.

And i don't know who is sleeping the same room as me, hopefully it's some dude i know. Hopefully. 

I really hope, there's wok and stuff, so i can cook there. hahaha. Provided i can get ingredient there. LMAO. 

Ok, guys, i will miss you guys, and i will surely bring back stuff for the 38club. I hope i will have a safe trip there and back. hahaha (:


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