Jul 24, 2010

Work, Assignment, Work

It's been a while since i have like blog about my life. Been real busy with my school work and assignment dates are killing me. I always reach home around 10 plus the earliest i get is 8pm and the time i reach home, it's all about having the time to do my assignment.

Been sleeping late, everyday is like a routine to slp late. latest time i slept was like 4am? Black circles are forming around my eye bag. Damn it, i look older that way. Gosh!?!

Beside rushing assignment, weekends to me is like saving day. Why? Cause i'm working on weekends. I have to work, no choice. I have to pay for my own india fleight for this coming sep study trip but i glad i sign up, it's yet another opportunity isn't it?

Some stuff happen during work, not those serious crime theft stuff, it's those funny stuff where i can rmb till now and laugh at it when i board the bus. Ppl think i'm crazy laughing at my self at my very own seat. LMAO.

There's this guy that came to the store, he came in talking on the phone and wanted to buy a cigarette pack. So he told me the brand.

Cust: Ma 7 Ma 7 Ma 7

I thought it's Marlboro hot pack so i pass him the Marlboro hot pack.

Cust: No No No (Very aggitated) Ma 7 Ma 7

Me: Wth is Ma 7. Never in my life i have heard of a cigarette brand that has 'mother' in it. I thought to myself inside my very own mind.

Cust: Japanese Cigarette, Ma 7 ma 7

Me: Mild seven for god sake. What Ma 7? Gosh!?! Even buy cigarette also so chui.

That's what happen in my work place which makes me laugh all the time.

Another happens in school, not anything abt language.

I was thinking of getting Iphone 4 so i ask my friend how is it? Does he intend to get like a Iphone 4? since he is using Iphone 3Gs. He said, donno. Maybe not.

Cos he also haven jailbreak his Iphone 3Gs And he bought iphone to listen to songs only.

Then he add one sentence behind, my iphone has only 1 song. WTH.

Our group started to laugh. Buy iphone to listen to song but contridicting part is his iphone only has 1 song. hahahahaha.

Alright, i shall update more often from now. Even though sometimes typing lots of words make me tired. hahahaha. Blog is not the trend now isn't it? Everything is now cut short. LOL.


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