Jul 27, 2010

Catch me!

Reach school around like 830am in the morning, so i morning call my younger brother to wake him up come sch. He pick up around like 8.15am then he start to prepare. After i reach school, i call another friend of my, but some failure was shown on my phone's screen.

So i was thinking he must be awake already. So i continue to walk up the hill to the makan place.

Half way through that friend called me back.

He said: U call me ar?
Me: Ya
He: Why?
Me: No la, cos i scare you late ma, so call to wake up up. LOL
He: i'm already late.LOL. I'm waiting for bus at my house.

I was like, ouh ok. LOL.

Reach sch way early by half an hour, so i bought a cup of ice milo and sit near the window seat, switch on my lappy. Research on Roukela, the country i'm going this sep for my study trip.

Found some history, was thinking what should i add to the T-shirt?

Ard 8.45am i start to walk out of Makan place and to my lecture theater. Saw Ms Lim, my lecturer. Talked to her a while before we reached the lecture hall.

After lecture, we went to have our late breakfast before we proceed to class to do our work. Lesson starts at 2pm today which is early and ended at 5pm. I still have difficulties understanding some chapters. Hopefully i understand before the final year exam which is in Sep. We practice our EBP PPT after the class, and later on we stay in sch to ask some qns for our presentation tmr.

Ard 8 plus, we leave the sch. We was talking abt buses when we saw Lim han's 151 bus at the bus stop and it's like leaving soon. Lim han increase his pace to the bus stop, then i saw 184 behind so i increase my pace.

Lim han gave up so he slow down, then he wanted to catch me, cause i think he saw 184 behind but i increase my pace, so he increase his pace to catch me. Then Fu yan from behind hold on to Lim han's bag, cos he thought Lim han was escaping. But i was the one escaping.

Lim han: Oiiii, catch wrong la, gary! gary!~
Me: Started to run
Lim han & Fu yan: Chasing behind.

Everything so epic sia. hahahah. I'm so gonna miss all this when i graduate.


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