Apr 19, 2010

Pray for THU

You know how scared i was to even step into NUH. Previously i was admitted to NUH because i had a fever of 40degree, i was hospitalize for 4 days. Didn't expect i would have to visit this hospital again.

My friend send us a mass message telling us that our friend is hospitalized in NUH and is in critical condition at 4pm. When i realized the message it was 0000am, i was scolding myself why did i realized it now? What the fuck was i doing? What the hell? what kind of friend am i? how can i possible realized everything in such a late timing? I keep scolding myself, i couldn't sleep. My mind was Thu in pain, doctor rescuing him. For your information, My friend is in ICU now, and his heart stopped 3 times and was revived by the doctor 3 times.

Went to the media conference in the morning and school in the afternoon and i ended school at around 5pm and i had dinner with friends. At dinner table, i was thinking whether i should go? Should i step in? What if Thu (touchwood) die? What if? alot of what if appears in my mind? What am i going through?

It took me the whole dinner to actually decide to go to the hospital because Hafiz said that no matter how close you are to him there's no reason why you shouldn't visit him. We should give our moral support to him now.

I walked across the bridge with heavy foot steps, when i arrived at the bus stop opposite my school to take bus 151 to NUS my mum called.

Mum: Reaching home?
Me: Nope, i'm not going home yet, i going hospital.
Mum: Huh? go hospital for?
Me: My..friend... he.. is.. in.. ICU

I realised i stuttered when i spoke to my mum.

Mum: What happen?
Me: I..donno. They say Pneumonia.

After which mum hangs up.

It took me around half an hour to reach NUH.

It was still raining, i walked back the familiar place up to the wards which was told by my friend. Found the ward i hesitate to walk in to register myself. ICU allows 2 people to visit the patient at a time and the visiting time is 12pm-8pm.

I plucked up my courage, crenched my fist, i went up to register i told them bed 9. After filling up my particulars they tap a card and i went in. I saw Bed 9 from a far, everything was covered up by the curtain, i didn't know what to do, so i approach the counter, the staff checked the room and told me the nurse doing some arrangment after which i can do the visiting.

I waited outside the room, pacing around and i saw my friend's father.

Thu's Father: You are Thu's friend?
Me: Yup, hi uncle my name is Gary.
Thu's Father: He is stable now, but it's very difficult to predict the outcome.
Me: What happen?
Thu's Father: Friday he not feeling well so his mum call NUH and ask for the consultant doc and the doc call him to come down to check. After which the felt that he needs to be hospitalize. On sat, he has difficulty breathing then they went to do a check up and found that his lung is infected so they put him in ICU.
Me: Hmm. (My eyes were red)

What i saw, is my friend sleeping on the bed with lots of machine around him, his mouth was piped and lot's of needle around his body.

I wanted to cry, but i hold myself back.

Me: I heard from Hafiz his heart stop?
Thu's Father: Yes, on Saturday night, his heart stopped 3 times, the doctor has to try to revive him for 3 times. We were scared we might lose him.
Me: (I donno how to console the father because i scare i might lose him too)

I stayed there for an hour looking at him, and the machine around him. I saw the green line ticking, i scare it may become a straight line, this is the first time i felt so scared. But i think that's the vulnerable side of me.

I left at around 8pm. After the visitor time is over. I couldn't find the dad to tell him i'm going off so i went off without saying.

Life is so vulnerable. Can you guys help to pray for my friend Thu who is lying in NUH ICU now. Pray that he may recover, pray that i won't lose him, pray that god will put his healing hands on him, pray that god will not forsaken him like what the human did to Jesus. Amen.

And if i offend anyone during this time, please forgive me. I have no mood to be the laughter among you guys.


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