Apr 4, 2010

Wuhan China

It's been a long long time since i blog back here. Some of you should know i'm currently at Wuhan China Studying for a period of 6 weeks. And i'm currently in my fifth week here.

The weather here been good and i've been enjoying the weather since and you know what? it snow here. How wonderful can it be? Imagine myself in singapore now, the weather should be 40 degree right? Hot like hell. We are cold in heaven.

Even though the stay in Wuhan china is fun, the food is cheap the stuff are nice but still sick is unavoidable. I had fever there on the fourth week and i went to hospital for drip. It cost me $300rmb.

In singapore, if we had fever the most we will be given medicine unless it's the serious case then we will have drip but here once you are sick, you will get to drip.

Even though i'm sick but still have to carry on with my other activities and i'm proud that i manage to climb that Wudang mountain. It's like 6000 over steps, our seniors climb that too but they took the cable car back down but when we climb up the cable car was in maintenance so we have to climb down again. Imagine we climb up for like 3 hrs and come down again. It's damn tired.

It's lucky i had friends that are there for me. Thanks guy.

On the fifth week, my fever came back. 38.7 degree and i had to go to the hospital for the drip. Thi time round my friend went out for some tourist trip, i was suppose to go but i'm sick. I didn't tell my roommates cause i don't want them to miss this trip because of me. So they went without knowing i'm sick.

The next day when they are gone, i was alone in the room, feeling sick, lethargic, no strength and i almost fainted in the room. I dragged till around 4.30pm before i visit the hospital. This time round the fees was $163RMB. The medicine was so strong that i vomitted when i had my first and second drip. After the drip i came back to my dorm, even though i was sick but i still bring myself up to wash the clothes, sweep the floor and mop the room to get ready for them to come back. Went for my second drip at arounf 6.30pm today and ended the drip at around 8pm.

1 more week here, left with 600RMB, hope i can survive back to Singapore.


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