Dec 7, 2009

Tired Week

Been busy with work and school. My workplace has been lacking of manpower over the cashier side as they jus remove two staff from the post and one has quit the post. So yeah, i need to go back and work.

Even though i've been busy studying and working but i still never forget to cook. Cooked Dry laksa two days ago, first time trying and it came out nice. When i say nice, it means very nice. LOL!?!

Today i cooked Dry laksa again, for my classmate, a few of them, and it was nice. Some don't sound convincing (Ben). LOL!?!

Went to Fu yan's house to study a few days ago. He stayed at AMK. I still remember that night after i finish studying with Lim Han in school i went back home. After which i decided to go Fu yan house to study. Took the train, even though it's jus 6 stations from Woodlands however it took me an hour plus to reach. All because i overslept.

When i woke up i was at Newton station and i quickly dash out of the station, and waited for the train across. When i finally boarded the train, i was quick exuberant. But after the mrt reported the next station i was stunned.

'Next stop: Orchard'~

I was sitting back to Marina Bay, so i come with a conclusion i sat all the way to Marina Bay and bounce back,then later on i woke up i thought i was otw to Marina Bay but i was not, i already bounce back. ALREADY bounce back.

Reach AMK, took bus 88 to his house, reach his house around 12am, ate my DINNER.Yeah, at 12am. LOL!?!

Do my CQ on his bed, i was real tired liao, kind of fall asleep. He on his ipod the whole night playing Mr brown. LOL!?!

okok, back to now. Currently studying. Listen!!! hahaha.


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