Jun 15, 2009

Holidays Plan

Malacca Trip cancelled so really nothing to look forward to for the holidays. It's like wasting time, hmm. The only thing left is PVSIG camp on 22-23 june 2009, which i think i will learn alot of stuff there.

Yesterday receive a mail from ECO-Travel on this coming wednesday 17 june there is a tour at Chek Jawa, pulau Ubin they need Tour facilitators. I've miss out quite a number of tour due to the fact of me not free or study.

Thinkin yst, don't know whether i should join anot? Cause i scare i have programming extra class on that day, lao gong haven say anything to regards on the class. So i register myself for it. And i was in.

So 17 june 2009, volunteer work as a tour facilitator at Pulau Ubin.

19 june 2009, i have a networking session with janice quah and accompany at PA Hq and also to collect our cert for last year's milk run.

Nth much now, finish my programming le, wanna try solving the quiz Ms Lee gave us, but really don't know lei hais. Maybe try later.

Going Gym now, it's been a real long time since i been there, and it's costing me alot. I don't wish to waste it, people give me your support so that i won't be lazy!!! After gym, going to meet ECO-travel for some short briefing, that will be my today's plan. 13 more days to go, school holiday started officially today, i still in school mode. I miss School.!!! lol.. I think i'm crazy le la, i mean who will miss school like me? I think because i have such a good class that let me miss them. (:


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