May 15, 2009

Shhhh!!!! Sleeping in Progress

Picture of the day, taken by Jessie.

Our last lesson was at the lecture hall and what was the talk about?

How can we make an effective presentation? And you know what? Alot of people are sleeping in the lecture hall, and this is one of my class mate that act as if sleeping and is physically sleeping. LOL.

I think it's because of the lunch that causes all the people to be so sleepy. I was not spare, i felt asleep too. hahas.

The presenter brought alot of gift to give us, there was 3 teddy bear as a prize, and 3 books that she wrote herself.

Now, in class there is some crazy classmate doing all the crazy stuff, and i'm like blogging. Need to wait till like 5pm then i can go home, cos i got interview at 5pm. Kind of scare, haha, it's been some time since i go for a interview and it's a Ex-Co interview.

1 more hr to go~


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