Jul 14, 2006

A tired and BORING day...

YUP..a tire and boring day..first period was english..it was a banded class so we had to move from the first floor to the third floor we had english for two period then we had maths for one period we went from third floor to the first floor to attend the lesson..one period is over its english again so we went back to the third floor for english lesson..then its recess we went back to the first floor to have our break..then i have design and technology lesson we went to the third floor to attend the lesson..ups and downs..haiz..then its maths again we went back to the first floor again today really a tiring day..then i went back home.. i cook my lunch after having my lunch i took a nap actually not really a nap i was real tired..so i slept for three hours..then my dad came we met him..he still the old pattern but he had a pairs of red eyes..then we talk alot..till 8.30pm.. but i think today quite a useful day hope tomorrow will be a better day.. bleah..


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