Jul 13, 2006

oral examination..

today i had my chinese oral examination..i think i blow it off.. cause donno why today i nv talk much about the conversion topic..i never talk deep enough..also donno why..maybe too nervous..thats the reason i keep saying to myself..but i think overall ITS fine for me..someone is even bad them me [ i always think] hahas..quite sometime never write in here.. last week i went to new york skin care solution to do a facial treatment the extraction was really pain..and i list the pain as the 2nd most pain ful thing on earth..the 1st is where i got my stiches at tan tock seng the second pain is the extraction.. hahas.. really it was damn painful but i see the result myself..it had really improve alot and i think its a new start to my life at that particular moment hahas..ok i got to go..my mum keeps nagging..bleah :p


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