Jun 28, 2006

26.6 AND 27.6

26 jun 2006..its school reopen then we got a massive spot check on hair cuts and attire..quite alot of ppl got caught of long hair..finger nails..we also had some changes of school rule like side burns can leave half the normal size...actually no different..spectacle can now wear fancy spectacle like white and orange colour...haha but my one is black colour..bleah:p..then time table also change our english is now banded with sec 4..don quite like because there is different between sec 4 and sec 5 we should not be banded but no choice one english teacher is going to maternity leave so my english teacher have to help the other normal academic class..of course we also have our own time with our english teacher..then the teacher on the first day tell us alot of things like if we wan to suceed in life we have to have the paper [cert] even toilet specialise need 'o' level so wat to do..we have to multi task..my teacher said she has to multi task when she eat she marks our paper when she going to sleep she will have a book on her hands and she hear the channel news asia when she going to sleep so she reads and listen at the same time.. multi tasking..she talks the whole period..on how we can study better...27 jun 2006...today as usual we have our lessons..then after school we have a motivational talk..its talks abt how we must suceed..its quite interesting..they have four letters words.. i which stands for imagination c stands for commitment a stands for action and n stands for never give up so it become I CAN..


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