Jun 29, 2006

what happen???

Today..we had morning run in the mornin at abt 7...it was so tiring cause about one month we never run already so now called us run abit difficult..then after the run we had mother tongue lesson the teacher talk and talk until i fell asleep..because i'm so tired... after the lesson we continued with physics..donno why always come to physics we will be laughing through the whole period.. maybe the teacher is so humourous thats why!! then after physics we got maths..as usual we do the work given by the relieve teacher..so boring..after maths we have our recess..and continued with history..history was not so boring..maybe abit of joy.. then it carried on with english at a sec 4 classroom..it was so scary to attend english classroom cause sometime we have to read in front of the whole class..i'm very nervious when comes to reading in front of the class especially english cause got sec 4 ppl there.. my day was quite boring today..the school ended at 3 today which was the longest among the 5 days.. but i enjoyed it today... :)


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