Jun 26, 2006

SUNDAY...i met my father today...

Sunday... i met my father today at the coffe shop near my house... i have breakfast with him for about 2 hours.. i have prawn noodles haha..its cost me 3 dollar..quite expensive only 3 prawns but quite nice never have it before..cos nothing much to eat so just have something new..haha..if my mum heard i said nothing much to eat she will sure say : wat nothing much to eat, you got money anot?.. thats what she usually said to me.. when i chose what to eat..bleah :P..yup..today my father told me alot of things..quite sensible..to me..he told me must work hard don give up when you haven tried..must know in the society you must have a paper [certificate] nowadays with a [cert] its much easy to get a job..not like me.. i study till secondary 2 i stop studying and come out to the society to work...luckily my boss still understand me and know my strength so i can work so hard for it..i'm not young you know..i'm 49 already.. who knows i will just go you have to be independent..must work hard for everything..even for the social university [ the experience you got when you come out to work] .. after hearing i start to understand more about my father a great father... :) thanks father i will not let you down... :P


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