hmm.. i read the first book, peculiar chris in one day after i had borrowed it form woodlands lib..and i lend it to Eileen goh le.. she love the book..and she say she felt the affection too.. hmm..glad she love the book..
Went to the net today and seach for the second book.. the second book was on loan in woodlands i find out which library has it.. and toa payoh was the nearest one.. so i went all the way to Toa payoh to get the second book, which is the only copy there.. lucky me.. i got it.. hahas..
Many have anxiously awaited Johann S Lee’s second book, 15 years after Peculiar Chris – hailed as Singapore’s first gay novel – left its mark on a conservative reading public.
Lee’s debut showcased talent, candour and a riveting storyline about a teenage boy coming out – surprising, then, that its then 21-year old author had never considered himself a writer. Peculiar Chris displayed a precocious storytelling gift that has not gone to seed; despite pursuing a career in finance since he left Singapore 15 years ago, Lee’s natural narrative ability is back and stronger than ever in To Know Where I’m Coming From.
Again, the protagonist is loosely autobiographical; Ben Goh is the prodigal son who returns to his family home in Singapore to recover from a badly broken relationship. Initially, Ben quips about his situation, noting that gay men have five ‘Ds’ in their lives – drama, dress, decoration, dance and dermatology – but gradually, he develops a more serious viewpoint as he sees Singapore again through the eyes of a more mature, Westernised gay man. True to its title, Lee’s book explores what it means to know your roots.
The story bravely tackles the issues surrounding modern homosexuality, and lays bare what it takes to come to terms with being a modern Singaporean. Lee’s real strength lies in his alter ego’s frankness with his readers; melancholic and bereaved, Ben is a flawed yet likeable character, freely sharing his hopes and fears, propounding both realism and romanticism as he fi nds himself attracted to a younger man and a country to which he had never wanted to return. This punchy read keeps you engrossed all the way to its surprise ending.
From June Lee~
Went to my god-mum's hse today to eat steam boat..cos she wanted to celebrate my b'day for me..though it's one day later but still i appreciate.. and i ate real full..
Dec 29, 2008
To know where i'm coming from
Didn't really get to read the second book cos my mum was singing K.. i decided to read the book tmr.. hehe.. awaiting.. the second book- to know where i'm coming from.
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