Happy Belated Birthday to myself. hahas.. cos it's 28/12/08 now.. hahas.. hmm..yst was my b'day..but i went to training..becos it's an impt training yst.. and i can't miss it so i went..
First present i got from Eileen Goh.. A photo holder.. make by herself.. :)
And a card by her.. look at the envelope.. what did you see? a Snail right? lol.. because that's Gary.. hahas..
2nd Present was from Mei.. a Birthday card make by herself.. it's nice.. really nice.. :)

And here goes the training..~
Elania and Ben..

We were having our break today inside the cafeteria..

Rmb i told you guys there's a party at 3pm-6pm a belated Xmas party..?

It became the celebration of ppl whose birthday falls on Nov and Dec.. and i became the star of the day.. becos my birthday was yst.. and ppl that donno me wishes me happy birthday when i walk out of Paym..lol.. i was famous for a day..lol..

And here goes the training..~
Elania and Ben..

We were having our break today inside the cafeteria..

Rmb i told you guys there's a party at 3pm-6pm a belated Xmas party..?

It became the celebration of ppl whose birthday falls on Nov and Dec.. and i became the star of the day.. becos my birthday was yst.. and ppl that donno me wishes me happy birthday when i walk out of Paym..lol.. i was famous for a day..lol..
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