I always have this weird stuff.. When i was hospitalise, i was taken care by nurses..and at that moment i feel that being a nurse not a bad thing, can i be a nurse? Why didn't i think abt that? hmm..
Last week, i went to see the sinseh, he help me rub my leg and heal my leg.. at that moment, i was thinking can i be a sinseh? get a degree and be a sinseh. Learn all the acutepoint. and stuff..
Watching the show forensic heroes lately.. and i have this urge of being a Forensic.. so i went to search up info on the internet..
I've watch a bartender works in a competition..and i'm so interested to be a bartender..so i too search up info on bartender..
Few months back, i watch this hong kong drama, there is this dept in the police force, what they do is talk, convince,pursuade.. either to let criminal to give in or to pursuade them to give in.. i also interested in that kind of job..
Why am i like this? why am i so indecisive? so what i want in life?
I enter business course because i wanted to have my own business as times grow.. i wan to open a shop when times come..
Lately, i feel that why didn't i join computer course..like learn how to create website and stuff..
When i recall the first time when i chose business admin course.. i realise i still have this hot passion..
to open my shop..
Did i chose the right choice?
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