I bet you guys really wanted to know why i was hospitalise right? hmm.. i shall start my small or maybe big la.. cos abit long..it will be a bit dull though cos i'm weak now.. and most IMPORTANTLY, the picture may not be too nice.. so to avoid any discriminate or dislike i inform you guys first..
that was hmm.. 14 sep 2008 woke up in the morning feeling real cold though it was not raining.. as usual went to bath..but this time after bathing i will be going to work..
my first day at work..better not be late..was early.. but another two ppl was early then me.. keat and joe they was there first.. I wore my jacket to work..cause i'm really cold.. not thinking i'm having any fever.. punch in my card and started to prepare to work, took off my jacket cos abit warm inside the pantry, put on my name tag took my float and here i go...
won't elaborate on the money thingy..ard 11am i already can't stand the environment..cos it's really cold at counter 1074.. went to the pantry, open the locker, took out my jacket and put on. it was blue in colour, the smae colour as my uniform.
feel better after putting on my jacket, felt the warm now.
ard 12.30pm i went for lunch, went down to B1 to buy herbal tea and a box of panadol [blue color box].. then went up to food court to buy yong tau foo soup with no noodle..cos i no appetiate.. after eating and also my medication.. felt better..for like ard 4 hours.. the last hour before my break was horrible..i felt the cold back and i cannot stand the cold.. finally it's my break at 5.30pm..
i went down to buy herbal tea and bread then go back company to eat. ate only two small bun then ate another 2 panadol.
felt better again after the medication..
soon it's 10pm and it's closing time..as usual customer still taking their own sweet time as though we close at 11pm.. then i'm the third to close the counter.. at that time even before i close the counter..something is wrong.. cos i'm like in antartica.. i was so cold that my leg was numb.. imagine yourself huh.. don need to explain in detail..
i finsh counting everything but joe still counting and he said got less money.. i was at the time shivering at the assement software table..and it's not normal shiver.. it's like naked at antartica..
and at that time i was moving ard..i can't stand the cold..then i wen to the pantry and sit down there..ate another panadol thought it will help..but still no use.. my gosh.. i'm so cold~
then crystal took me off.. sending me back.. but i was walking like a penguin at that time.. leg was real numb and i was shivering at the same time.. i was very cold.. crystal was very scared.. then we took the lift to level 1.. wanted to take the taxi home but no taxi.. and finally found one.. one of a women knowing me was having difficulty breathing and giddy just took the taxi and left without lettimg me take [she will get her Retribution] not that i curse her..but serious man.. next time if she really sick and ppl don let her take the taxi, and she die.. then too bad..
ok come back.. i was at the kfc entrance and got no taxi.. i ask crystal to go to the other side where the taxi is somewhere at the toilet.. and we met jiesheng[one of the part time staff at popular] jiesheng and crstal help me to the taxi stand..and on the way there alot of ppl was looking cos i look really helpless and my face was as white as a piece of white paper..
didn't care much or can't even care.. cos i was breathless.. i must catch up with any breath after the first breath and it's like i was having asthma.. imagine that.
then later on we finally got a taxi.. the taxi took us to the nearest clinic which was the marsiling 24 hour clinic..
went in, someone open the door..and they let me see the doc first..thank goodness.. the doc called me to sit down relax.. breath in and out SLOWLY.. breath in and out SLOWLY..did i mention i was having serious cramps on my hand and leg that i couldn't walk properly? it was so pain on my hand and leg.. the nerve was straining.. finally the cramps was gone after the 'breath in and out SLOWLY' session, the doc said i was breathing very fast because i was nervous on the cramps and causes too much air in my brain..
let me tell you first, i didn't really rmb the part in the clinic..cos i was in half concious at that time and i was very giddy..so what i rmb was not really clear just bits and pieces but i ask jiesheng abt it.
i was ask to breath in and out from a plastic bag.. hmm.. ask my cousin why? she told me the doc thinks i have hypertention..but i still donno what is it.. hmm.. then later after breathing from the plastic bag, i was told to lye down..and the fantasy begin..
i was lying on the bed..a while later and i rmb abt my hand was having some sort of pressure.. forgotten..donno why i can't rmb that part.. then the whole room became white..and i was like lying on a piece of tile on my back and the rest of the place with no tiles are holes..something like in a space with you lying on a tile and just a turn you may fall..something like that.. and i vomitted..
in the end i felt asleep.. then i woke up..still at the clinic.. at that time my mum has been informed and rush down.. then the doc already called the ambulance..i was lying there my eyes cannot really open cos everything i see is triple vision.. and i'm sweating and sweating and sweating.. they on the air con.. then later on they started to talk abt how to move to the ambulance..and stuff.. my leg have to put properly etc.. i heard them said.. donno.. my head was spining at 100 times..
alot of things flashes thru my mind.. i cried.. silently.. because i was thinking abt my mum.. what if i die, my father's side ppl will blame my mum and stuff.. and my brother, who will fought with him..and my ite study which is just another 6 mths before graduate will it be a waste? my career? my life? my house? i was thinking i have to operate on my head cos i cannot see clearly and there maybe nerve that need to adjust etc.. i also donno why i think that way.. maybe because i nearly got blind last time and had my stitches when my mum saw how my face swollen, she cried..maybe that's the reason..
and so after this fever i'm like a changed person.. maybe when someone has to gone thru life and death then they will awake..
i dare not open my eyes after opening once.. cos what i see in front was a piece of wall.. you may see it as a wall..but i see it as a steep slope and i may fall anytime..
but let me tell you.. i can't close my eyes properly.. because of the 41 degree fever and sweating, my body was dehydrated and all my skins cell died, maybe hibernate i donno.. but everything that invovled skin became flabby like 'rubber band' i can pull and don feel the pain.. pores were closed everything can be pull, even my nose bacame elastic..you may not believe what i say..but it's true..hmm.. so i have difficulty closing my eyes..i have to use my two finger to close my eyes..
waited for 45 mins before the ambulance to come.. if i had an heart attack i think i die at the clinic.. donno why the ambulance came so late..arent it suppose to be fast and efficient?
even when they send me to the hospital, my bro sat a taxi to the hospital, my bro reach first even before the ambulance arrive.
i was then send to National University hospital, they push me in, send me not to the ward but to see the doc..
the nurses once saw me ask me to take off my shoe, take off my shirt.. started to stick lots of stuff on my body, they are for measuring donno what..then they put on the green front clothes for me..
doc came, ask me alot of qns.. like what's your name, your age, where you stay, who is our PM, where am i, who is he etc.. to comfirm i'm awake, i'm concious..
he started to insert the needle into my right hand for the drips use and tag me on my left hand for identification use.
then i was lying there left to drip.. then ard 3.00am i was pushed to the ward.. oh ya.. ard 2am i was given the oxygen breathing thing, they insert into my nose, not really totally.. i think because of the breathless thingy so they let me have the oxygen but i felt uncomfortable with it..
reached the ward, a malay nurse by the name of Mohd Najamul, a guy nurse brief me on the rules and regulation of the hospital, where is the tv set, etc and he change for me into the hospital uniform.
during the stay in the ward i have to keep asking for urinal, because i was on drips so i feel like urine all the time but i can't go to the toilet, firstly because they have to measure my urine, secondly i have to inform them that i had urine..so it's more convenient to urine in my ward.
i had my drips from the start i admitted to the hospital till the day i was discharged, the drips also include the anti-biotic.
hmm.. everytime i urined they have to measure thru the urinal, and everytime my urine is 400ml.. if you donno how much is 400 ml.. one bottle of coke is 350ml..so imagine it.. i think because of the drips so i urine so much... one day there is 24 hours and i urined every one hours so which means i urined 24 times/per day.
The nurse there are mostly attachment students from ngee ann poly, i had make friends with some of them.. though of their inexperience but i still think they try their best to do their job required. thanks guys..
special thanks to Mohd Najamul for helping me during the time i was admitted to the hospital, Dr Mohd Ariff for helping me during the X-ray.. Nurse samantha, Amirah, Jia yi, Renukha and more..sorry if i never mention your name..cause there was alot of nurse.
and not forgetting Crystal and jiesheng.. if without you guys i may not be here anymore..thanks..
there are some pictures i took when i felt better..
this is the meal of my first day in hospital.. Bee hoon soup with vegetable and fish cake..
my god dad brought me something from outside.. Fish bee hoon soup..
The Ward 41, Bed 40
This is the needle inserted by the doctor for the drip..
There is blood because of some movement during my shower..
you will see this often when alot of ppl surround your bed, some are attachment Doctors from NUS..
I was discharged yst, but still very2 weak..hmm..Docs said that if i have any fever i have to go back to the hospital and i was given 10 days MC...thanks for the care and concern guys.. appreciate lots.. and thanks joycelyn,Zane,Ivan,Yong jie and Anthony for coming down to entertain me.. you guys are really my true friends man.. thanks lots..
and also my mum for giving unlimited care for me.. thanks mum for being beside me when i need you.. thanks for coming down every day preparing all the drinks and fruits for me.. I love you mum..
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