How i spend my holiday? hmm.. first day of holiday i already went to serene's house to celebrate her birthday..and overnight at her house..
hmm.. normally i cannot overnight at ppl's house..for some reasons except wilson and serene's house i can stay..
somehow ya~
hmm..second day of holiday.. did nothing.. went back home from serene's house.. then some anime and took a nap.. that's all..
third day..which is today.. hmm.. woke up..argue with my mum because of money.. then didn't acc her to eat breakfast.. slept till ard 1430pm then wake up.. went to had my lunch..then watch 'legend of demigod' now watch till episode 20 le.. this show only got 22 episode..waiting for another two more to come out..
hmm..this morning Popular called my hp.. my gosh.. in the morning man.. i scare they call me go back work so i never pick up and secondly i was like sleeping lo.. yst slept late.. then ard 1700pm they called me again.. i pick up this time..
it was annie.. she called and ask me whether tomorrow can work full shift anot? cos only got 3 cashier.. so i say yes lo..
5 min later.. my phone beep again.. and it's a message.. was from popular.. my manager message me.. asking whether i can work full shift on Moday-Thursday cos one cashier 'MIA'..hmm.. considering..then i agree.. so this means that my schedule are:
Sun: 10.15am-10.00pm
Mon: 11.00am-2130pm
Tue: 11.00am-2130pm
Wed: 11.00am-2130pm
Thur: 11.00am-2130pm
Straight working for 5 days.. so if you guys wanna ask me out? i'm only available on Fri.. cos i'm working on sat and sunday too..
and sun night i will be going off to genting le.. till next week then come ya.. even though i cannot go into the CASINO..whereas every body will be going in.. i think i will be wondering ard genting alone ba.. :)
but i think i will buy alot of things..hahas..
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