Reach Cwp at ard 3 plus..went to buy 4-d for my mum..then went up to borrow card from my cousin.. cos watch movie paying by nets in cathay is 6 bucks..
but you know what? the offer is only for Mon-thurs.. when did they change? and the dark knight is blockbust it's like $ i have to call everyone to comfirm.. it's $10.50.. then i requeue again..
then i look at the seating..the 4th row from the front..again.. i was so disappointed.. cos it's like paying $10.50 but get such seating.. and btw i'm buying the tickets for 1900pm show at ard's like still long ahead lo..
singaporean are really KIASU~
Call everyone again to confim..they are i brought the tickets.. i was so pissed off.. cos the net offer last time was till change..
Serene,mei teng, yong jie, joycelyn and Anthony watched with me..
two thumbs up for the movie..abit scary..but exciting.. the character two face show up in the movie.. i think part 3 there will be him..donno..don really think he died ba..and where's robin? ahahas..long way to go.. Robin is actually batman's adopt son..
anyway.. after the movie..mei teng and serene went back and yong jie accompanied the remainders to LJS.. they haven had their dinner..hmm..anyway i owe my cousin $63+$18=$81 my you soon ya sis.. ;)
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