Dec 6, 2010

Tickets Booked

Suraj: Maa, Can you do't always mention about that incident? I know that, you don't have to remind me of my wound againa and again!

I shouted after my Maa mention what has happen in school previously which has ruin my trust between her and me. The trust of ability to make my own decision.

After I shouted, i realize i have hurt her by my words. I know she love me, she wants to protect me but... ...

I hate the way she used, to express her love for me.

She's your Maa, I told myself

But the trust was gone, i know that the moment she mention that old wound 3 times a days, 21 times a week.


3 days before i fly to India

Maa: Suraj, have you buy the things you need? Porridge? Noodles? Don't forget your shampoo.

Suraj: Got it Maa, i have buy those stuff, don't worry about me.It's not the first time I'm going overseas.

My Maa mumbled but I heard she said: But it's your first time in India.

I went over to hug her

Suraj: Maa, I'm going for only 5 weeks, not 5 years, trust me okay? I will come back in one piece.

Maa: You just don't come back with a Indian wife, I will be happy.

Suraj: Maa, stop discriminating! Alright? You know I don't like to be Racist.

Maa: Okok, fine. Come back with one then (roll eyes)

That's my Maa

Which i love her alot, because after my papa got remarried, my papa don't show care and concern on me anymore. My Maa was the one that stand by me all along. And she doted on me more than my Bada Bhai.

Second day back in Singapore from India

Suraj: Maa, I'm gonig back India Next year March to visit them again.

Maa:Why? People only go once but you have to go twice?

Suraj: Maa, I'm different. I'm emotionally bonded to them Maa.

Maa: No you are not going back.

Suraj: Maa,I want to go back, my brothers will be disappointed if I don't go back. I will work for my trip.

Maa: Why you always don't listen to me? What happen huh? I call you to work but you don't want, now for the trip you are willing to work. Don't you come and show me that kind of stuff again.

Suraj: Maa, I know you love me,but did you realise that the things you been repeating hurts me? There is nothing going on, I just like them, I miss them, I wanna spend time like never before with them. They are important to me Maa. Maa You got to trust me.

I actually manage to persuade my mum to let me come to India for another 2 months during feb- Apr. I have booked my tickets. I wll be flying off from Singapore to KL then from KL to Kolkata on 17 Feb. Hopefully everything goes well for me.


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