Dec 4, 2010

45 days back in Singapore from Kolkata

It's been 45 days since i'm back in Singapore from kolkata, but it's like i just boarded the plane and from kolkata and depart in Singapore. Is it a bad thing or a good thing?

Ashish said: It didn't expect India can be so influence to someone

I said: It surprise me too that India can change me so much

I'm always on the track of thinking, thinking of how i got influence so much in this incredible country.

Recalling how i first met all my friend.

I was talking to ashesh bhai yesterday, asking him: do you know when was the first time i met you?

He replied: Yes, the first time we met was when i came to your room and ask why is the voltage of your lap top

It really surpise me that he did remembered how we met. And certain part of my brain has this memory locked and keep well and safe. It won't get deleted nor being ignored. I remembered clearly that the first thing i talked to him online was asking him is there any good fast food around rourkela.

India a place and land of opportunity, i told some that i believe i was born in India in my previous life. Some would ask, then why you don't remember anything before you come to India. Tell you something, i have been asking myself this question a millions time, and somehow something struck me.

1. I believe that it's because i have not touch down on the ground of India so memory are not getting into me.

2. I love to watch hindi movie way before i came to India

3. My mum watch hindi movie when she was pregnant with me ( influence by me)

This three reasons is enough to justify?

When i touch down at India,a familiar sense of belonging flow through me, but i kept calm and believe it's just the wind. Walk pass the station and onto the coach.

Came to the school and settle myself in, staying alone let me have even more time to think. When someone like Suraj Singh that think too much and can't accept the fact that fast at a time, normally sick will conquer the way, which explains why i have fever 3 times a week when i was in India.

Second day, we was ask to visit the AV hall for a freshie party and a welcome party for us. I went into the AV hall and at the moment i step in, i saw the whole room was brown for a few second and then i went to my seat feeling its nothing. I went to the 3rd row automatically when some others went to the second rows. I went in and sat on one of the chair, then later on i move two more seats to the left when i sat down the second time, memory was flowing through me. People use to say, when you visit the place and sit at the same place you will trigger something in your mind, and that's what happen to me.

Something got triggered in my mind.

For a few minutes, i was back in a familiar place, i came to the AV hall before, sitting at the same position same place. This is what others may call it Déjà vu.

Definition of Déjà vu:

Is it really Deja vu? or was i really there on my previous life? I can't really explain what is reacting in me.

You must be thinking, i'm back in Singapore, everything is just a memory and nothing is there for me. But you are wrong, i have been contacting everyone of my family member from India for the pass 45 days.

I got to know more about them.

Like what?

1. Pitoshe Babu loves pork

2. Gaurav chhota bhai love blue and black color

3. Ashesh bhai love black coffee and fried chicken like KFC type

4. Keshav bada bhai love chicken and custard and metal music

5. Ankur bhai will wake up at 6am to exercise or even to visit the hill, he loves metal music too

6. Sahil bada bhai love sky blue, he's a vegetarian, he don't drink, he love linkin park

The bonding between my brothers is even more than when i was there in NITRKL.

75 more days and i will be there in Kolkata once again, this time round i'm going to enjoy the trip with lots of accompanied, lots of fun, lots of freedom, lots of independence.

Sneak preview of the trip: I will probably visit the hillstation at Darjeeling and jamshedpur


Anyway, I want to know how you feel about Suraj Singh, jus tell me about it. Looking forward to my Feb 2011 India Trip.


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