Sep 29, 2010

Incredible India

People tend to forget or even bother to notice places they have been before.I still remember we just hurried out of the place and don't even bother to take a second look. But when i'm back at the place today, i realized that it's so much i have missed.

The place was Rourkela Railway station.

People are crying in the railway station because their family members have left, people are crying because they don't have food, people are crying because they don't have a home. You may not have seen it because the speed that you use just covers them. I slow down my pace today when i entered the railway station. I observe what i may have missed. I missed alot of thing, all i wanted to do that time was to hop onto the coach and rest.

I saw her crying, the tears that flow down her cheek bone just raise my sympathy towards her. I don't know her and i don't know why she was crying but it seems that i can feel what she felt.

She was a Indian woman that i saw in the railway station.

She was so cute and little, and she jumps around in her dress happily, and suddenly: "BOM!" I saw her feltl down onto the ground, she pick herself up and continue to play without crying or needed her mum's help. Compare to Singaporean kids, she's good.

She was a little Indian girl, who was with her parents at the railway station.

This little details even though is nothing, but it allows me to have even more further experience.

I was thinking, India is not a bad country.

The wind embrace me, the wind endorse me. Eyes were glaring at me, because i'm "new" to them. I was wearing a dark glasses that makes me look like the boss in the movie: "Once upon a time in Mumbaai". People are staring because no visitors or tourists are there, India was not their first choice. I have the urge to tell them, i'm from SINGAPORE.

People are criticizing the commonwealth games on how bad the condition was, how critical the place was. But let us think on how good they were. They were efficient in their work as a whole, they were friendly as a whole, the bridge broke because: "Hey, come on, the history of India can buried you bhayiaa!"

No matter what is the outcome of the commonwealth game.

I was thinking, India is a nice country.

Walking into the hotel restaurant, we was greeted by a very gracious man at the door, which we use to call them doorman. He smile to me, and welcome me like what he usually did, i suppose. I sat there and look through the menu and the only thing that came to my mind was PANEER. I'm in love with their Paneer.

I was thinking, India is a good country.

The service we gotten was bad in terms of mixing up orders in receipt. I was thinking, this is what they usually have done not particularly to us. I was thinking, why are we comparing Singapore with India? Singapore is a small country, india is a big country. Standard is good in singapore, so must India be as good as singapore? I was thinking, we should not use Singapore standard to compare with India, it's NOT fair for them.

I was thinking, India is a Incomparable country

Seriously speaking, i was here to increase my CQ (Cultural Quotient). I'm here to experience their culture. If i'm here to waste time complaining, then what? Will everything change? I just feel that since i'm here, i already have the mindset to accept whatever i see, hear, touch, listen and feel. Isn't this what we human should do? I'm sorry, i'm a Indian in a Chinese body.

I was thinking, India is a friendly country

EWWWWWW, there's cow dung on the ground. Ewwwwww, it smells here. OMG! There so many insects here. That's what many people may had felt. I had felt the insect part and i don't like the insect, i don't like the way the insect crawl onto my bed, fly to my face, jump to my clothes. But, wait a minutes. Isn't this what makes India Incredible?

I was thinking, India is a Incredible India


Ashesh Raghav said...

Lovely Post Gary !! Explore the most of it !
Keep blogging !

आशीष अंकुर said...

It is what India is...
अथिति देवो भवः(means- The guests are God)
Where ever you'll go in India you would be welcomed warmly...
You learnt a lot about India in such a short span of time!
A matured commentary!!!

Unknown said...

@Ashesh: Hey thanks :) You have a lovely blog too :P

@ आशीष अंकुर: Thanks:)

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