Aug 6, 2010

YOG Training

Yesterday went to Protocol training in the morning because i missed the morning session last week and i think it's best for me to compensate that morning session, so i went for the class.

And as usual, it's fun, real fun. And i kind of like Veronica Chia, i love the way she speaks and present herself and i think she's a lovely lady. Someone good to work with, i supposed (:

Reach tampines around like 7.45am while the lesson starts at 8am and people started strolling into the class. The class ends like 1pm for me, because i have attend the afternoon session and plus i need to rush back school, i got a important presentation in the afternoon.

Reach school around 2pm by train to Dover and bus from Dover.

Waited for teacher outside the classroom before i went into the class.

Gotten my DB project result and i'm glad my group got A for the project.

Everything after on were draggy. Teacher came at like 3pm, then started to drag. Jia feng's group went to present, till like 4 plus. Then we went over for revision. Then we started our presentation at 6.30pm which was supposed to be 3pm. Everything ends at around 7pm, then i went back home to meet my parents for dinner.

Around like 10pm, we left the coffee shop and my dad drive us home.

Slpt quite early because i got early class the next day.

Woke up around 5am and look at my watch, it's still early so i went back to slp. Woke up again and realised it's 6.30am so i get up to bath before i left the house. Caught on the 7.10am bus and reach school at 7.30am. As usual, walk up the slope to Makan place, then bought a drink sat there alone to have my drink and settle myself down before i go to class at around 7.5oam. The teacher was early today, so ya. Today is my last day of lesson, kind of glad i suppose.

After class today, i'm going down to like YOG headquarter to collect my YOG phone and change my pant. Will reach there around like 1 plus in the afternoon? Probably after that i visit my grandma to help her wash the toilet and the fan because she's old and i think it's my responsibility to help her since she take care of me since young. And it's been sometime since i visited her so ya.

After which i will go home, then i will rest for a while before i will leave my house again to go to ritz carlton to meet my YOG Colleague for some briefing.

Wow, it's been sometime my post has been so long. LOL.

Alright. Take care folks.


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