Jan 8, 2010

NP open House

yesterday was Np first day of open house and i was working full shift in the E garage. Was it fun? It was bored i think. Secondary 1 and 2 and 3 students comes to open house instead of O lvl grads how good can it be? I'm incharge of explaining a final year student's project and explain to them the modules available in our course. But to Sec 1 and 2 and 3 students that are not even preparing to come poly at their time. Isn't this too early for them?

Of course some gay romantic happens. HAHAHA.

some some chiobus are meant to mention like Xian Hui (left), Angela(middle) and Kim (Right)

Working full shift today too and i hope it will be a better one today. Not like TWS, the whole sec 3 came into the Egarage and explore. You know the whole sec 3 is how big? it filled up the whole egarage. I mean NP Ambassador, wake up your idea?

Today reach school at 8.30am, went to class straight.Was sitting outside class and slept outside till ard 9am and i realised how come teacher and classmates are not here yet.So i look at the time table, shag. Lesson starts at 10am, so what to do? Open my lappy and do Commtoolkit's work and facebook,emailling and Blog.

Can't wait for 2nd day of Open House in NP.


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