Dec 21, 2009

Fcuking Customer

You must be wondering why i put this photo as my post pic for the day. I went to work yesterday, full shift as usual from morning 10am-10pm at night. It's really a tired day for me, i mean who likes working, no body likes working. But when i don't work i have no income.

The queue just don't stop but it's quite lucky we don't have to give out the bookfest stickers anymore cause ysterday was the last day for bookfest and so things were easier for the cashier i presume.

Around 9.50pm, a mum of two came to my cashier to pay her stuff but she forgot to bring her member card.

Cust: I never bring my card can tell you Nirc?
Me: No, we need to scan in.
Cust: Cannot scan NIRC ar?
Me: Cannot.
Cust's Son: You think this is government department meh? scan NIRC, scan your ass la.
Cust: ...

So she pay using Nets, and you know sometimes nets have to wait quite some time to process and when it's swipe you can't cancel it. This fcuking customer you know what she do.

Me: Hold on for a min it's still processing.
Cust: Nvm, i will pay cash.

You must be thinking she waited for a very very very long time, but you are wrong, it's just 2 sec after she pressing the pin.

Me: It's ok, it's processing.
Cust: No, i don't want, i want to pay cash.
Cust's daughter: Mum!! it's processing can you don't be so ma fan.

At the same time, the nets is processed. She insisted paying cash but the problem is the nets can't be cancel.

So she make a fuss saying i take her money and at the same time charge her to her card. so she say i double charge her.

I was fcuking piss with her, i explain my self she wouldn't want to hear my explain and she stop me, i don't care i just carry on and telling her how ridiculous she was. Her daughter and son wouldn't want to help her cause her daughter already told her mum to wait for the nets and it's approved. I already told her it's approved and she insisted paying cash and in turn she blame me for double charging her.

You know what? FCUK HER!

I scold her cheebye, I'm really fcuking piss. If you want to complain me, so be it. So atrocious. I wonder how such human can exist.

Don't wanna talk abt it liao.

Last saturday went to Bookfest with Lim han to buy bookss, and i spend i think $100 there buying a new series by PC Kastin. It's a 6 books collection and i brought it and some other stationery.

After that me and Han went to eat carls junior, quite fun actually. hahahah, he's actually my maid for the day help me carried books when i want to purchase. Thanks man.


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