Nov 23, 2009

AO season

Suppose to be off today, but they in need of people to work so i have to go back on sunday to work on a full shift.

It's really Chaos today, so many promotions and the queue doesn't even stop, it just keep on coming, and i was like having difficulties breathing.

Lucky Draws for every $50 spend in popular, every $180 spend in Causeway there is a $10 voucher for exchange at Basement 1. Every $20 spend there is a $1 bookfest sticker, gosh so many promotion, every purchase of textbook or stationery you can purchase an bag for $28,$38,$48. Calculator for promotion $18. All this have to rmb as a cashier.

I was standing the whole day today barely sat down cause long queue. People are buying in bulk imagine one person spend $100 over, very little small transaction today.

AO season, hell for us man. LOL!?!


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