Jun 11, 2009

Last Paper

Today is the last paper, which is fundamental of programming.. Took the exam.. And i jus realise i have loss quite a numbers of marks. For the modulus side i loss 6 marks, for the fill in the blank side, i put scn Scanner.nextDouble( ); which is wrong.. should be scn.nextINT( ); another loss of 6 marks.

Then for this case, behind loss of like 8 marks i think.. etc.. hais

After exam, we went to play basket ball.. and some stuff happen..

Lim Han Dislocated his right shoulder, not body hit him or bash him, he dislocated himself due to him using too much strength.. One thing is that he had dislocated history like me so easily dislocated.

He was in pain, gosh, saw him perspiring, cold sweat i think.. Call his dad but his dad never pick up. Then Benjamin go and call the gym instructor, then the instructor say call ambulance.

Then i called the ambulance and he was admitted to NUH. No worries, i think he will be on cast, won't be hospitalise.

So do send your regards to him. (:


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