May 6, 2009

I understand Now

Don't know why? i felt sick last night, don't have energy, weak. I think due to the late tune in and stuff.

Woke up around 7.20am today and i know the queue for my school's shuttle bus will be Damn!?! Long. And as expected it's damn long. Reached the interchange at around 7.50am and the queue was beyong Berth 3. Met Jessie and her friend and we were queuing for the shuttle bus. Infront of us queue a bunch of girls and out of a sudden another girl join.

That's how the girl react:

Girl: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Halo

and she joined the queue. LOL.

Me and jessie was like duh-.-"' and we keep saying lots of possible our friend will join us. For eg.

Enemy: Ehhhhhhhhhhhh!!! How are you? i carry bag for you? and he/she join the queue. And after that he/she will jus ignore our prescene. HAHA.

Still we manage to get into the bus.

Today was quite a tiring day, but i manage to understand one of the module.. Which is? ACCOUNTING..

I think because i learn the fundamental before so i could actually catch up with it. But Wen Jie couldn'y because he never learn before. So i told him, now you understand how i felt for attending BS lesson right? hahas

But still, i teach him abit.

Tmr is BS Test and i tell you, i don't quite understand BS. Especially the Prime, Union part. Gosh, i'm so going back to like study that. hais.

Now having CCA, But haven't start yet, think will drag till 7pm again.



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