Apr 5, 2009

Decorated Office;The 3 Escapees

Did i post this photo? hahas.. the three escapee.. hahas.. this was after the camp, we went to boon lay to like have our lunch.. and ya.. the four escapee including me.. was having this ice cream infront of Boon lay shopping centre.

It's nice.. (:

Did i show you my desk top in my office? hahas.. this is the desk top in my office.. the screen quite big.. lol.. and i decorated the screen. Saw the little sticker at the side? i got it from the stamps and i decorate them on the screen.

The bear bear.. (:


and flowers,gift and smiley face (:

Today woke up in the morning.. couldn't pull myself up for church. Was real tire. So i skipped today's church.

And i just realised i got to like skipped tmr social outing. Because i got to go for the Sgrainbow gathering at Serangoon PLU Cafe. Hmm.So ya, sorri guys will compensate my cooking next time.

Went to MEET yong ling, it's been 6 months since we met? I met her that time it was when she was attached. Now she's Single.hmm.. so imagine how long it is.

Ate MOS burger again.. hahas.. been falling in love with the Terayaki burger hahas. so ya.. today i ate the burger no bun one. all wrap with lettuce (: hmm.. everyone has been asking me am i going to Ngee Ann poly? have i decide? ok, i have decided to take up the offered by Ngee Ann poly in Financial Informatics course. (:


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