Apr 20, 2007

start school le..

hmm..start school le..quite some time never blog cause been busying with school work lor..hai actually not so..i wan to have some time to fit into the environment lor..yup3..business admin..BUSINESS ADMIN.. didn't really expected to get this course but since i already opted in so why waste the time just do my best in it lor..anyway the school abit wierd la..haven even chose my cca yet..what to chose?? everybody is asking me but anyway i think i will be getting photography club..cause it's one of my interest too..but like kind of many malay ppl in the club lei.. class ar..alot of malay girls too..but i think i will fit into the class one.. btw the school like very hot lor.. i think it's the uniform lor.. DAMN thick sia..like the clothes no need to wash sia..no to say in proper like those funeral type.. whereby they wear it and cry one..really thick lor.. anyway got to go le..classmate all wah wah wah WATEVER LA.. BLEAH :P


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